共用题干 Travelling Is My Life1. I am very

天天题库2019-12-17  9

问题 共用题干Travelling Is My Life
1. I am very fortunate.I am now a much-travelled woman,but until I was 20 I had never been anywhere more remote than Londan .And coming from a country village in the far south I was struck by the architectural beauty of the capital.I understood immediately why foreign tourists descend on it in their thousands.
2. The first time I traveled abroad was when I went over to France on a cross Channel ferry.It was a school trip to Paris for a week,and I thought it was wonderful.The sights,the sounds,the smells,the language-they were all wonderful. I had never experienced anything like it,and the week had a profound effect on me.It gave me the travel bug!
3. As a young girl I was always shy of strangers.I certainly had no plans to travel a lot.I left school and trained as a journalist on a local paper.and somehow slowly began to concentrate on travel .I had a procession of jobs before I got this one with the magazine.Although I still write articles on other subjects,my main occupation now is writing travel and tourism.
4. I can appreciate now why tourists go halfway across the world to visit a place.I was brought up in the vicinity of a major British tourist attraction,but never went there myself and couldn't understand foreign visitors.You read about something halfway across the world and want to see it for yourself. I remember that was just why I went walking in the Himalayas and looked up at Everest, and why I went on a strange but wonderful cruise in the Antarctic .You can read about a place,but it is totally different to be there,to see,feel,smell and hear everything yourself.
5. Perhaps not surprisingly I have been to a lot of popular tourist resorts in Europe,Africa,the Far East and the West Indies,for example.But I like to try and find those unknown,inaccessible places-not only for myself,but also for people who want something different. Sometimes it's frightening .I remember visiting a village on the side of a steep hill in Bolivia where the inhabitants stood motionless as I walked in and didn't move until I walked out.
6. The career of the previous travel writer on the magazine I work for now came to an abrupt end when he quite simply disappeared somewhere in South America.He was on a special journey and had told someone at his hotel that he had found a native to ferry him up a river to some remote villages in the jungle.Nothing has been heard from him since then.One day I'd like to try and find out what happened to him.

选项 Paragraph 2______A: The Tourist MentalityB: Always Looking For the UnexpectedC: A Late DeveloperD: The Road to Being A Travel WriterE: A Sudden End to A CareerF: The First Taste of Travel


解析本段大意为:初次品味旅游。 本段大意为:成为一名旅游作家之路。 本段大意为:旅游者的精神。 本段大意为:总在寻找不在预料中的(旅游)地方。 总体推断法。通读全文,可以发现这篇文章是一名著名杂志的旅游作家写的一篇关于她的生活和职业的文章。故可以确定B为正确答案。 逻辑推理法。详见文章第一段第二句“...but until I was 20 I had never been any-where more remote than London.”可以逻辑推理出;20岁前,作者去过的最远的地方是伦敦。故可以确定E为正确答案。 直接定位法。详见文章第三段第三句“I left school and trained as journalist on a local paper...”可以直接确定D为正确答案。 句意剖析法。详见文章第五段第一、二句,意为:我曾去过许多著名的旅游胜地,这并不令人惊讶,但我喜欢去那些未知的、难以接近的地方。可以确定A为正确答案。