Can you find out the flaw in their resea

免费考试题库2019-12-17  4

问题 Can you find out the flaw in their research papers?

选项 A:argument        B:failureC:feature        D:defect


解析本句话的意思是:“你能指出他们论文中的缺陷吗?” defect:缺陷、不足,例如:Indecision is his chief defect.优柔寡断是他的主要缺点。argument:①争执、争吵、辫论,例如:We had an argument about politics.我们就政治展开了争论。②理由、论据、论点,例如:I accepted his argument that taxation should be increased.我接受了他提出的应该增税的论点。 failure:失败,例如:He was doomed to failure.他注定要失败。feature:①特征、特色,例如:This is a key feature of our society.这是我们社会的一个主要特点。②面貌、相貌,例如:He could recall her features very distinctly.他能够清晰地回想起她的容貌。③(报纸等的)特写、特别报导、专栏,例如:The local newspaper ran a feature on child labor.地方报纸登载一篇有关童工的特写;④(电影的)正片、故事片,例如:The feature begins at half past ten.电影正片七点半开始。