共用题干 Earth Angels 1 Joying Brescia was 8 years old when she noticed that c...

admin2020-12-24  2

问题 共用题干
Earth Angels

1 Joying Brescia was 8 years old when she noticed that cigarette butts(烟头)were littering her home-

town beach in Isle of Palms,South Carolina.When she learned that it takes five years for the remains of a

cigarette to disintegrate,she decided to take action.Joying Liunched a"No Butts on the Beach"campaign.

She raised money and awareness about the need to keep the beaches clean.With the help of others,Joying

also bought or received donations of gallon-size plastic ice-cream buckets.The buckets were filled with sand,

and placed at all public-access areas of the beach.The buckets allowed people to dispose of their cigarettes

before hitting the beach.Two years later,Joying says the buckets are full and the beach in nearly free of

cigarette debris(残片).

2 People who live in or visit Steamboat Springs,Colorado,have Carter Dunham to thank for a new

state wildlife refuge that preserves 20 acres of marshland and many species of wildlife.Carter and other

students wrote a management plan for the area around the Yampa River. The plan was part Of a class project

when Carter was a freshman at Steamboat Springs High School.Working with the Colorado Division of

Wildlife,Carter and his classmates mapped the area and species of animals living there.They also made

decisions about,among other things,where fences and parking areas should be built.

3 Barbara Brown and her friends collect oil.It started as a project for their 4H Club after one of the

girls noticed her father using motor oil to kill weeds on their farm in Victoria,Texas.They did some research

and discovered that oil can contaminate ground water一a real danger in rural areas,where people live off the

water on their land.The girls researched ways to recycle oil and worked with a local oil一recycling company

on the issue. Now,the"Don't Be Crude" program runs oil-collection sites一tanks that hold up to 460 gal-

lons一where people in the community can dispose of their oil.

4 Five years ago,11-year-old Ryan Hreljac was a little boy with a big dream:for all the people in Af-

rica to have clean drinking water. His dream began in the first grade when he learned that people were dying

because they didn't have clean water,and that as little as $70 could build a well."We really take water

for granted,"says Ryan,of Kemptville,Ontario,in Canada."In other countries,you have to plan for it."

Ryan earned the first $70 by doing extra chores(零工),but with the help of others, he has since


hundreds of thousands of dollars.His efforts led to the start of the Ryan's Well Foundation,which raises

money for clean water and health-related services for people in African countries and developing countries.

选项 Disposed oil and many other items can he reused to__________.
A:make new materials
B:preserve wetland and animals
C:have clean air
D:have clean water
E:collect cigarette butts
F:collect disposed oil


解析本文的标题是“地球的天使”,主题是环保,介绍的是几个孩子如何以自己的行动来从 事环保事业。第一段主要介绍Joy ing Brescia这个8岁的孩子是怎样从事环保工作的。细节内 容是,她发现很多人在海滩上丢烟头,便筹集钱买来很多塑料桶,放在海滩上,提醒人们把烟头 扔进捅里。选项D ( Don' t Litter)的意思是不要乱扔垃圾,概括了这段的意思,作为第一段的小 标题最合适,故选D。
第二段主要讲一名叫Carter Dunham的孩子和他的伙伴如何保护一片湿地及其里面的 珍奇动物的事情。选项F的意思是“保护野生动物”,正好概括了这段的意思,所以选F。
第三段主要讲一个名叫Barbara Brown的女孩和她的朋友们发现废弃的油污对土地污 染严重,提醒人们不要随便丢弃油污。原文中的“Don' t Be Crude”就是这个意思,与选项E相 同,故选E。
第四段主要介绍一名叫Ryan Hreljac的孩子通过打零工挣来的钱以及通过其他方式筹 来的钱,成立的“水井基金”(Well Foundation),帮助非洲人喝上干净的水。选项A ( Provide Clean Water)的意思是“提供干净的水”,与本段主题一致,故选A。
此句问的是Joying把一些桶放在公共场所的目的是什么?结合第一段的意思,我们知 道这些桶是用来收集烟蒂的,故选E。
此句问的是人们感谢Carter Dunham所做的什么努力?第二段谈到的是他为保护湿地 和野生动物作出了自己的贡献,故选B。
本句问的是废弃的油回收后可以用来干什么?第三段倒数第二句话讲到女孩们探索 了一些废油再造的方法,并且和当地一家废油回收公司合作来处理这一问题。该句中的recy- cle有“(利用废旧材料)再造(新物品)”之意:因此选A。
本句问的是Ryan和他的朋友们一起帮助非洲人们实现什么梦想?第四段的主题是谈 让他们喝上干净的水,故D为答案。