Putin will finish the second of two term

天天题库2020-05-20  26

问题 Putin will finish the second of two terms as President in 2008. Under his leadership, Russia has re-emerged as a significant world power. 1) I have friends who predict that Vladimir Putin will find his new position as Russian prime minister a comedown after eight years as President.I doubt it. Putin is more likely to define his job than be defined by it. After our first meetings, in 1999 and 2000, I described him in my journal as “shrewd, confident, hard-working, patriotic, and ingratiating.” In the years since, he has become more confident and—to Westerners—decidedly less ingratiating.  Born in Leningrad (today’s St. Petersburg) Putin is the son of a sailor and a factory worker. From 1976 to 1990, Putin served in the foreign intelligence branch of the notorious Soviet spy agency. For many of those years, he was stationed in Germany. In 1998, Putin was tapped to run the FSB (successor to the KGB) by then Russian President Boris Yeltsin. 2) When Yeltsin resigned shortly before the end of his second term, Putin was chosen to serve as acting President, putting him in an ideal position to win the office in the election that followed.3) Some believe Putin’s KGB background explains everything, but his allegiance to the KGB is in turn explained by his intense nationalism—which accounts for his popularity in Russia.Timing matters in history, and Putin has had the benefit of high oil prices and the contrast with his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin. 4) His vision of Russia is that of a great power in the old-fashioned European sense. Such powers have spheres of influence and subjugate lesser powers. At home, they celebrate national traditions and prize collective glory, not individual freedom.  Tolstoy described the 19th century count Mikhail Speransky as a “rigorous-minded man of immense intelligence, who through his energy...had come to power and used it solely for the good of Russia.” What one found disconcerting, though, “was Speransky’s cold, mirror-like gaze, which let no one penetrate to his soul.” It is possible to love the idea of a nation without caring too much for its citizens.  5) It is unlikely that Putin, 55, will wear out his welcome at home anytime soon, as he has nearly done with many democracies abroad.In the meantime, he will remain an irritant to nato, a source of division within Europe and yet another reason for the West to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.



解析(1)我有一些朋友预言弗拉基米尔·普京在8年总统任期届满之后,将会出任俄罗斯首相。  【解析】首先,定语从句的翻译遵循短前长后的原则,即定语从句短(一般8词以下)则放在所修饰的名词前,若长则放在所修饰成分后,故本句中定语从句后置;其次,宾语从句在句中可不改变位置,直接顺译,注意从句中要用主语开头;最后,宾语从句中的两个事件译成中文时遵循时间顺序,即先发生先译,此处是中英文行文方式差别之一;此外,a comedown的意思从其职位由总统到首相的转变已经体现出来,可省译。(2)当叶利钦第二任总统期届满之前辞职之际,普京当选为代理总统,从而使普京在接下来的总统选举中处于极为有利的位置。  【解析】本句是时间状语从句+主句的结构,主句之后有分词做状语。首先,状语从句的翻译遵循时间顺序,先发生先译,故从句中before放在resigned之前;其次,主句中被动语态的翻译,这里可用找替代词的办法,译为“当选为”;最后,分词做状语单独成句,注意衔接,代词him以及the office的实译,定语短前长后。(3)一些人认为,普京的克格勃出身解释了这一切,但是,他深深地爱国之情反过来也表明了他对克格勃的忠诚——这也是普京在俄罗斯备受欢迎的原因所在。  【解析】本句是but连接两个并列分句+定语从句的结构,可直接顺译。首先,句中被动语态的翻译可以变被动为主动,则is explained by可译为“说明,表明”;然后,定语从句中引导词一定要译出,可用指示代词也可重译先行词,本句是非限制性定语从句,译为代词更好;最后,关于抽象名词的翻译:background,nationalism,popularity,需根据上下文语境,取引申含义。background本义是“背景”,联系到个人,翻译成“出身”更为恰当;nationalism本义是“民族主义”,宜引申成“爱国之情”;his popularity本义为“他的名气”,宜将偏正结构译为主谓,即“普京… …备受欢迎”。(4)他计划把俄罗斯塑造成欧洲传统意义上的强权大国。  【解析】本句难点在抽象名词和指示代词的翻译。首先,英文多用名词,中文多用动词,英译中应注意抽象名词的转化,抽象名词的翻译有常见两种方法:一、将有动词词根的抽象名词译为动词;二、没有动词词根的抽象名词增译使其具体化,故把文中vision转译成动词“计划”;power本义是“力量,权力”,在本句中用来形容俄罗斯这个实体,需把它的含义具体化,译成“强权大国”更为合适。(5)当然,55岁的普京并非如此,短时间内也不会被这个国家所厌烦,尽管最近他已经与国外许多民主国家的关系不甚融洽。  【解析】本句先断句,拆分的原则是根据英文句子的语法结构和逻辑结构,主从句分开,因此,本句可拆成三句;然后,形容词unlikely可引申为“并非如此”;最后,注意短语wear out his welcome, has nearly done with的翻译。