A mental vision of success would help pr

题库总管2019-12-17  13

问题 A mental vision of success would help produce real success.

选项 A:aspiration        B:expectation        C:image        D:urge


解析本句意思是:头脑里对成功的展望能够帮助人们取得成功。句中短语vision意为“展望”,如:That's my vision of how the world could be.那是我对未来世界的想象。aspiration意为“愿望”,例如:Man's aspiration should be as lofty as the stars.人的志气应当像天上的星星那么高。expectation意为“期望”,如:We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.我们满怀信心地期待着完全康复。image意为“影像,意向”,如:His public image is very different from the real person.他在公众心目中的形象与他真实的本人截然不同。urge意为“冲动,推动力”,如:He has an urge to become a film star.他非常希望成为电影明星。只有选项C同句中画线单词含义接近。