A Country's Standard of Living The "standard of living" of any country me...

admin2020-12-24  23

问题 A Country's Standard of Living
The "standard of living" of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services the country produces. A country's standard of living, therefore (1)A. callsB. getsC. dependsD. takes first on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in this (2)A. senseB. articleC. sideD. area is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: "goods" such as food and clothing, and "services" such as transport and entertainment.
A country's capacity to (3)A. distributeB. produceC. containD. buy wealth depends upon many factors, most of (4)A. thatB. theseC. whatD. which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends (5)A. forB. toC. inD. by a great extent upon a country's natural resources. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have fertile (肥沃的)soil and a favorable climate; Other regions (6)A. contributeB. possessC. attractD. develop none of them. Next to natural resources comes the ability to (7)A. moveB. forceC. turnD. push them to use. China is perhaps as rich as the USA in natural resources, but suffered for many years (8)A. asB. onC. withD. from civil and external wars, and for this and other (9)A. reasonsB. aspectsC. pointsD. services was unable to develop her resources. Sound and stable political conditions and (10)A. freedomB. liberationC. preventionD. government from foreign invasions enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to produce more (11)A. wealthB. reportC. effectD. result than another country equally well favored by nature but less well ordered.
A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and (12)A. providedB. increasedC. createdD. consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is directly produced through international trade. For example, Britain's wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural (13)A. organizationB. resourcesC. productsD. labors would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus (过剩的)manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products (14)A. whoB. thatC. whereD. when would otherwise be lacking. A country's wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, (15)A. basedB. realizedC. supposedD. provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.


答案【C. depends】|【A. sense】|【B. produce】|【D. which】|【B. to】|【B. possess】|【C. turn】|【D. from】|【A. reasons】|【A. freedom】|【A. wealth】|【D. consumed】|【C. products】|【B. that】|【D. provided】|

解析本题考查词汇。句意:一个国家的生活标准____它生产财富的能力。四个选项,call on意为“号召,拜访”,get on意为“进展”,depend on意为“依赖,取决于”,take on意为“穿上,承担”,分别代入原文可知C是正确答案。 (2) 解析:本题考查固定搭配。句意:财富____不是指金钱。in this sense是“在这个意义上”,因此A是答案。相关短语:in some sense意为“在某种意义上,在某种程度上”。 (3) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:一个国家____财富的能力依赖许多因素。由第一段的第二句“A country,S standard of living,therefore ____ first on its capacity to produce wealth.”可知此处的最佳选择为produce,上下文保持一致,所以正确答案为B。 (4) 解析:本题考查定语从句。句意:一个国家“生产”财富的能力依赖许多因素,多数____彼此相互影响。英语中两个句子由逗号连接,则其中一个必为从句,由此可知“most of _____ have an effect on one another”为从句。从上下文看,这个从句是修饰factors的定语从句,因此只能在that和which之间选择。由于空格前出现了介词of,因此排除that,只能选which。 (5) 解析:本题考查固定搭配,to…extent意为“在……程度上”。句意:财富在很大程度上依赖一个国家的自然资源。因此B为正确答案。 (6) 解析:本题考查并列结构some…,others...。句意:一些地区有丰富的煤和矿藏,还有肥沃的土壤和适宜的气候;其他地方没有这些。四个选项,contribute意为“贡献”,possess意为“拥有”,attract意为“吸引”,develop意为“发展”。因此,B为正确答案。 (7) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:除了自然资源就属利用自然资源的能力了。四个选项中,move 意为“移动”,force意为“强迫”,turn“变成,转变”,push“推动”,只有turn符合语意。因此C是正确答案。 (8) 解析:本题考查固定搭配,suffer from意为“遭遇,遭受”。句意:但遭受多年内部和外部的战争”。因此,正确答案为D。 (9) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:因为这样或那样的____不能开发它本身的资源。四个选项,reason意为“原因”,aspect意为“方面”,point意为“点,意义”,service意为“服务”,分别代入后,选项A为正确答案。 (10) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:健全而稳定的政治条件和____外国的侵略,使一个国家能够和平稳定地开发它的自然资源。四个选项中,freedom意为“自由,免除”,liberation 意为“解放,释放”,prevention意为“阻碍,妨碍”,government意为“政府”.四个选项分别代入后,选项A为正确答案。 (11) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:健全而稳定的政治条件和免受外国的侵略,使一个国家能够和平稳定地开发它的自然资源,并且比另外同样受到大自然青睐但社会相对无序的国家生产更多的____。四个选项,wealth意为“财富”,report意为“报告”,effect意为“影响,效果”,result意为“结果”。根据上下文,判断空格处为“财富”,因此选A。 (12) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:一个国家的生活水平不只依赖于自己国内生产和____的财富。四个选项,provide意为“提供”,increase意为“增加”,create意为“创造”,consume 意为“消耗”。由文章的第一句“任何国家的‘生活水平,都是指人均享有的这个国家生产的商品和服务”,可知此处D项是最佳答案。 (13) 本题考查词汇。句意:英国的食品和农业____会很少。四个选项,organization意为“组织,机构,团体”,resource意为“资源”,product意为“产品”,labor意为“劳动”。通过句意判断空格处为“产品”,因此选C。 (14) 解析:本题是对定语从句的考查。空格处是关系代词,引导定语从句,从句前的名词在定语从句中作主语,因此B是答案。 (15) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:因此,一个国家的财富更多受它的制造能力的影响,____能够发现其他国家准备好要接受其产品的话。四个选项,based意为“基于”,realized 意为“实现”,supposed意为“假定”,provided意为“如果,假如”。四个选项分别代入,可知选项D为最佳答案。