共用题干 第一篇Food PoisoningFood sometimes ge

题库总管2019-12-17  10

问题 共用题干第一篇

Food Poisoning

Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things,A person who eats such food can get an illness called
food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious,but some types are deadly.The symptoms of food poi-
soning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms.
Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms
can poison eggs,meat,vegetables,and many other foods.After entering the body,these tiny living things re-
lease(释放)poisons that make people sick.
Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown,pro-
cessed,or prepared.For example,many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects.Some
people may have a bad reaction to those chemical、when they eat the crops.
Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.These includo certain kinds
of seafood,grains,nuts,seeds,beans,and mushrooms.
When people handle food properly,the risk of food poisoning is very small.Microorganisms multiply rapidly
in dirty places and in warm temperatures.This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or
put food on unwashed surfaces.Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing,
Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered
with chemicals before eating it.Finally,people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the
wild.Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans.In addition,some types
of fish can be poisonous.
Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people
eat natural poisons,they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied.

选项 Which of the following statements is NOT true?A:Food when poisoned can make people sick.B:Food poisoning means death.C:F0od poisoning comes in varieties.D:Food poisoning can be serious,


解析该题目考查关于食物中毒的描述。通读全文,可知第一段对食物中毒做了一个简单的 介绍。由第一段第三句“食物中毒通常并不严重,但有些也是致命的”可知D选项表述与原文 一致,B选项“食物中毒就意味着死亡”太绝对,与原文表述不符。从该段第四、五句可知食物 中毒会有很多的症状,最常见的是发烧,由此可知A选项表述正确。从第二段第一句可知食物 中毒也有很多种类,因此C选项表述与原文一致。据此分析,表述错误的只有B选项,因此为正确答案。 根据题目中关键词symptoms迅速定位至第一段最后两句话“食物中毒的症状往往在吃 完食物数小时内就会出现、发烧是最常见的一个症状。”由此可知,A选项表述与原文不一致, C选项表述与原文相符。B、D选项未提及。因此止确答案为C。 该题目考查引起食物中毒的原因。通读全文可知第二段至第四段讨论了什么东西会 引起食物中毒——微生物、化学制品及一些含有天然毒素的植物和动物。C 、A、D兰个选项分 别与之对应。而由第五段“Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing." 可知low temperature、不会导致food poisoning。因此正确答案为B。 根据题目可迅速定位到第五段,由文中的“肉类需彻底烹调以杀灭有毒的微生物。覆 盖有化学物质的食物食用前要清洗:最后,人们不应该吃野生蘑菇或其他野生食物……”可以 推测出D选项表述正确。而A选项表述太绝对,B、C选项则无细节支持。 通读全文可知该篇文章讨论了食物中毒的症状、原因及如何降低食物中毒的风险。由 第五段第一句和最后一段可推测出C选项表述与原文意思相符,D选项表述错误。由第四段 可知天然物质也会引起食物中毒,因此A选项与原文表述不一致。B选项文中未提及。据此 分析正确答案为C。第二篇 本文主要介绍了核辐射危害的严重性、潜伏性和长期性。