设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语阅读课教学方案。 教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:? teaching objectives ...
设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语阅读课教学方案。 教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:? teaching objectives ...
teaching objectives
teaching contents
key and difficult points
major steps and time allocation
activities and justifications
The trick of eating healthily is remembering that no food in itself is good or bad; eating properly depends on eating the right variety of food in the right amount. Too much of even the most"healthy" food can lead to illness and disorders.
If you like a snack, avoid chocolate and crisps and head for fruit, filled rolls, soup and baked potatoes instead. Sugar-free breakfast cereals are also a good bet.
Teaching Contents: It is about eating healthily and several scientific eating habits. It also offers recommending servings per day. Class Type: Reading class, 1 period Teaching Objectives: ( 1 ) Knowledge objective: Students can master the following words and expressions: healthy, heahhily, amount, snack, bake, recommend,provide, variety, lead to. (2) Ability objectives: ①Students can develop their reading ability by skimming and scanning practice. ② Students can improve the speaking ability by talking about scientific and healthy eating habits. (3) Emotional objective: Students can develop scientific and healthy eating habits and learn to live a healthy life. Teaching Key Points: (1) How to help students master the following words and expressions like healthy, healthily, amount, snack,bake, recommend, provide, variety, lead to. (2) How to make students improve their reading and speaking skills. Teaching Difficult Point: How to guide students to develop a healthy eating habit. Teaching Aid: multi-media Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up and lead-in (5 minutes) Brainstorm: Questions and answers The teacher asks students the following questions. ( 1 ) What do you eat every meal List the" food. (2) Do you eat healthily (Justification: This step will help students to combine English learning with daily life, and at the same time it will arouse students' interest in learning this lesson. Step 2 Pre-reading (5 minutes) The teacher asks students to discuss their opinions on eating properly. Then the teacher introduces the topic about healthy eating. (Justification: This step will help students know about what healthy and proper eating is.) Step 3 While-reading (23 minutes) (1) Fast reading (7 minutes) The teacher asks students to read the text quickly and fill in the blanks according to the text.
(2) Intensive reading (16 minutes) The teacher lets the students read the text and do the True or False exercises: ① Eating properly means eating only the right variety of food. ( ) ② Eating too much healthy food has no bad effects on health. ( ) ③ Soup, baked potatoes, crisps and chocolate are available for snacks. ( ) ④ Milk, cheese and yoghurt are good for our health, so we can choose the low fat varieties and have 2 to 3 servings every day. ( ) ⑤ In order to keep healthy, we should eat fruit and vegetables everyday without limit. ( ) (Justification : This step will help students have a further understanding of the text.) Step 4 Post-reading (7 minutes) The teacher divides students into several groups, and gives them an assignment. Students can first discuss it in groups, give their own opinions and choose a member to present their opinions to the whole class. Assignment: Suppose you are a cook in our school canteen. What dishes would you serve on Tuesday List out your dishes and explain the reasons. (Justification: The group work could practice students'ability of speaking and develop their spirit of cooperating with others. ) Step 5 Summary and Homework (5 minutes) Summary: The teacher summarizes what they have learnt in this class. Homework: The teacher asks the students to share what they have learnt about healthy food with their parents. Meanwhile, the teacher asks the students to interview their parents about their opinions on healthy eating, and then next class the teacher will ask several students to share their interviewing reports with the whole class. (Justification: Students can review and consolidate what they have learnt in this class.) Blackboard Design: Key words and expressions: healthy, healthily, amount, snack, bake, recommend, provide, variety, lead to Recommended servings her day Teaching Reflection.
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下面左图表示“我国某省2009年各类人口数量构成图”.右图表示“该省三大产业的比例变化图”,读图完成17—18题。 关于该省人口的叙述,正...
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患者男,60岁。因颈椎病入院手术治疗,术前锻炼的项目不包括 A、颈部前屈
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