根据下面资料,回答题 T:同学们,我们来唱首歌:Let’s sing and

天天题库2019-12-17  40

问题 根据下面资料,回答题T:同学们,我们来唱首歌:Let’s sing and dance. S: OK. .... T: (point to a picture) What′ s this  S: It′ s a picture. T: Good. Look at the picture, what′ s the boy doing  He is drawing. Read after me, draw, draw. T: Well done. Now let′ s play a game. I do, you say. (教师做画画动作,学生说"draw") T: Now let′s listen and do. (教师说"draw",学生做动作) 找出老师不合理的行为并进行修改。(10分)



解析①该老师的课堂导入不够合理。根据新课讲授部分的对话可知,该片段的教学内容是单词draw。但是该课堂导入却与新课毫无关系,只是起到了活跃课堂的作用,没有起到导入新课并引起学生学习兴趣的作用。 修改如下: T: Now look at four cartoon pictures. S: OK. T: Do you like them S: Yes. T: Look at another picture. What's the boy doing He is drawing cartoon pictures. Read after me, draw, draw. 通过学生喜欢的卡通人物的图片进行导入,由图片联系到“画”的动作,从而引入生词。 ②教师在引导学生进行练习时。单纯地靠“做一说”“说一做”来强化学生对“draw”的记忆,缺乏意义性与交际性。 修改如下: 把“说一做”活动修改成如下活动: T:(PPT呈现一个学生画画的场景)Now please make a dialogue in pairs according to the picture,using the new word“draw”.