Issue of Women Boxing Muhammad Ali is probably the most famous sports figur...

admin2020-12-24  14

问题 Issue of Women Boxing
Muhammad Ali is probably the most famous sports figure on earth: he is recognized on every continent and by all generations. The diagnosis of his (1)A. tensionB. concemC. illnessD. prize as Parlonson's disease (帕金森综合症) after his retirement caused the debate about the dangers of boxing and criticism of the sport. That, plus his direct opposition (2)A. onB. toC. withD. at women's boxing, made people wonder how he would react when one of his daughters decided to take (3)A. afterB. overC. alongD. up the sport. His presence at Laila's first professional fight, (4)A. thereforeB. howeverC. accordinglyD. whereas , seemed to broadcast a father's support. Of course Muhammad Ali wanted to watch his daughter fight. The ring (拳击台) announcer introduced him (5)A. ofB. asC. forD. at "the greatest" and he sat down at the ringside.
Twenty-one-year-old Laila's first fight was a huge success and there was as much attention for the fight as her father's fights once (6)A. distractedB. constructedC. attractedD. destructed . Unfortunately, Laila's opponent was much (7)A. braverB. fasterC. strongerD. weaker and she won the fight after just 31 seconds. Since then, Laila has won most of her fights by knocking out her opponent. ',She knows (8)A. thatB. whatC. howD. why she's doing, all fight," said one referee about her. "She knows about moving well. You can see some of her dad's moves."
Laila Ali would rather not compare herself (9)A. asB. likeC. toD. against her father. She prefers to make her own (10)A. fightB. nameC. successD. image . Her father supports her decision to enter the ,sport but he has not told her the details of what can happen. Laila realizes that her father wants her to understand the (11)A. betterB. bestC. worseD. worst possible seenario (事态,局面) to see (12)A. ifB. thatC. whatD. how she still wants to go forward with it. She knows she's going to get hit hard at times, that she may get a broken nose or a injured face, but at least she is prepared for it.
Laila's decision to start boxing (13)A. in spiteB. spiteC. despiteD. despite of her father's struggle with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease has of course caused a mixture of debate and (14)A. argumentB. criticismC. quarrelD. shouting .. But Laila is a firm and determined individual and it is that as much as her famous last name that has made her attract worldwide media attention. Of course, the (15)A. arrivalB. birthC. deoartureD. attention on the boxing scene of a woman with her family history attracts even more questions about whether women's boxing is sport or spectacle.


答案【C. illness】|【B. to】|【D. up】|【B. however】|【B. as】|【C. attracted】|【D. weaker】|【B. what】|【C. to】|【B. name】|【D. worst】|【A. if】|【C. despite】|【B. criticism】|【A. arrival】|

解析本题考查名词。句意:在他退休后,他的____诊断是帕金森症。四个选项,tension 意为“紧张”,concern意为“关注,焦虑”,illness意为“疾病”,prize意为“奖品,奖金”, 帕金森症为疾病所以答案为C。 (2) 解析:考查固定短语be opposedt0“反对……”和opposition t0“对……的反对”。句意:他 对女性拳击的反对使人们想知道他将如何回应他女儿决定____这项运动。 (3) 解析:本题考查词组。句意:他对女性拳击的反对使人们想知道他将如何回应他女儿决定 ____这项运动。四个选项,take after“与某人长得相像”,take over“接手,接管”, take along“随身携带”,take up“从事(某种职业)PPo根据语境可知,选D比较恰当。 (4) 本题考查逻辑关系。前面讲拳王阿里反对女子从事拳击运动,随后又讲他亲自出席女 儿的首场比赛,明显是对比,故应选however。考生要记住,在选择逻辑关系词时,如果 转折语气形式为“____,”,那么答案为however的可能性非常大。句意:但是他出现 在Laila的首次职业比赛中就好像宣布了他父亲的支持。 (5) 解析:本题考查介词。句意:拳击台的主持员介绍他____“最伟大的拳击手”,然后他坐 在拳击台边上。四个选项中as“作为”比较符合语境,其他介词放在这里都不合适。 (6) 解析:本题考查动词。句意:21岁的Laila的第一次比赛获得巨大成功,对这次比赛的关注 像她父亲曾经____的一样多。四个选项,distract意为“分散注意力”,construct意为“建 设,构造”,attract意为“吸引”,destruct意为“破坏”,四个选项中attract比较符合语境。 (7) 解析:本题考查形容词。句意:不幸的是,Laila的对手太____,她仅仅用31秒钟就获胜 了。根据语境可知,Laila的对手太弱了,所以答案为D。 (8) 解析:本题是对宾语从句的考查。“she'S doing”是做know的宾语,所以为宾语从句,这个 宾语从句中显然缺了宾语,所以用what引导。句意:她明白她正在做什么。 (9) 解析:本题考查固定短语compare Ato B“将A和B做比较”。句意:Laila并不想将自己跟 父亲做比较。 (10) 解析:本题考查固定短语make one,S own name“成功、成名”。其他表示成功的短语还有make it,口语中更常见。句意:她想取得属于自己的成功。 (11) 解析:本题考查逻辑。句意:Laila意识到她的父亲想让她明白____可能的局面来看她 想要继续这项职业。考查上下文,下文中“a broken nose or a swollen face”暗示拳击运动员受伤病困扰的苦恼,更不要说拳王本身正受帕金森综合征的折磨,所以应选“不 好的”形容词。另外,possible一词之前常出现形容词最高级。综合以上,worst是最佳 答案。 (12) 解析:本题考查逻辑关系。根据上一句,拳王表明拳击运动可能会造成严重的后果,意欲让 女儿自己决定“是否”继续从事这项危险的运动,所以if比较符合语境。 (13) 解析:本题考查固定短语in spite of“尽管”和介词despite“尽管”,多一个0f或少一个0f, 都不对。句意:尽管她父亲身患帕金森病,但是Laila仍然决定开始拳击职业必然引起了 争论和____。 (14) 解析:本题考查名词。句意:尽管她父亲身患帕金森病,但是Laila仍然决定开始拳击职业 必然引起了争论和____。四个选项,argument意为“争论”criticism意为“批评,批判”,quarrel意为“争吵,吵架”,shouting意为“大喊,大叫”。四个选项分别代入,criticism 比较符合语境。 (15) 解析:本题是对名词的考查。句意:当然,一个女性,还是有拳击家族背景的女性,在拳击 台上的____引起了有关女性拳击是比赛还是好看的场景的讨论。四个选项,arrival意为 “到来,到达”,birth意为“出生”,departure意为“离开”,attention“注意”。分别代入 可知,A项比较符合语境。从搭配来看,一般是the birth of,the departure from,the attention from/to。