初中英语《Charity》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in Free talk: Ask students to ta

题库总管2019-12-17  11




解析初中英语《Charity》主要教学过程及板书设计(一)教学过程Step 1 Lead-inFree talk: Ask students to talk with their partners about two questions and make a chart including each other’s sports and time:Q1: What kind of sports do you like and why?Q2: When did you start to…? Share some interesting stories during the process.Step 2 Pre-listeningDiscussion: Divide the whole class into several groups and discuss over the following questions:Q1: What kind of ways of raising money can you see in your daily life?Q2: Have you ever joined in some meaningful activities or done some things which were used to raise money? If any, share with us.Q2: What do you think is the most effective way in raising money? Share some detailed information.Step 3 While-listening1.Ask students to listen to the passage for the first time and think about two questions:Q1: What kind of article it is?Q2: What does it mainly talk about?2. Ask students to listen for the second time carefully and answer the following questions:Q1: Why are students skating?Q2: How much money can they raise for one hour’s skating?Q3: How long have been Sam and Lu Ning skating?Q4: How much money together has been raised by skaters mentioned in the passage?3. Ask students to listen for the third time and see whether they have got the right answers or not. Pay attention to the intonation and rhythm of the news reporter and try to read with the tape.Step 4 Post-listeningTask 1: Ask students to underline some new words and all the structures of the present perfect progressive tense and try to guess the meaning of the new words and figure out the rules of the present perfect progressive tense. Give them some help if necessary, for example, give out some examples. At last, summarize the rules of the present perfect progressive tense together.Task 2: Do a competition: Show students some video clips about sports matches and ask them to act as news reporters to report the news. During report, try to use the present perfect progressive tense to express. Compete with the whole class and select the best reporter. The best one can be given some rewards.Step 5 Summary and homeworkSummary: Ask students to make a summary about what we have learned together to end up the class.Homework:1. Use the information in the chart which is asked to make at the beginning of the class to make sentences with the present perfect progressive tense.2. Think about what we can do in our daily life to make contribution to our charity and share with the class next time.(二)板书设计Blackboard Design:[img]/upload/tiku/397/8711599_1.jpg[/img]答辩题目解析1.听力教学的原则是什么?【教学实施类】【参考答案】a.听力教学要与其他方面技能相结合。对于发展听力技能和其他技能相结合是很重要的,尤其是口语技能。在现实生活中听力总是结合说与写而进行。b.要确定听力的适当难度。进行听力练习时,教师要选择符合学生听力水平的听力材料。c.要把听力过程与文意理解相结合,在掌握听力技能的同时能够理解听力内容。2.如何提高英语中课堂小组合作学习的实效性?【教学实施类】【参考答案】提高英语课堂中小组合作学习的实效性,我认为应包含以下要素:1.确定好小组的人数,规模不能太大,3-4人为宜,这样能够使得互动更有成效。2.每个小组成员都必须承担一定的任务,感受自身对于集体的价值。3.小组成员之间互鼓励和支持。在课堂上通常表现为:个体相互提供足够和有效的帮助;交流各自所需的信息和材料;互相提供反馈信息;对彼此的结论进行质疑等。4.小组之间进行互评,定期地评价共同活动的情况,评估成员任务完成的情况。