共用题干 Rescue PlatformIn the aftermath of

免费考试题库2019-12-17  14

问题 共用题干Rescue Platform
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center,security experts are trying to develop new ways of rescuing people from burning skyscrapers.One________(51)is a plat-form capable of flying vertically and hovering in the air_________(52)a helicopter. The plafform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up people_________(53)in high stories。
The idea for the vertical takeoff platform was hatched(策划)more than ten years ago by a Russian aerospace engineer,David Metreveli,who has since moved to Israel. Metreveli's design, _________(54)the Eagle,calls for two jet engines that_________(55)four large horizontal pro-pellers. The spinning of the propellers_________(56)the necessary lift,or upward force,to raise the platform. The more_________(57)is supplied to the propellers,the higher the platform _________(58).Moving the platform sideways involves_________(59)differing amounts of power to each propeller.
Helicopters are now used in some________(60)to get people out of burning buildings.Es-cape baskets slung from them dangle beside the building for people to climb into._________(61),the baskets cannot reach every floor of a building_________(62)the ropes from which they hang become unstable_________(63)a certain length.
So far,Metreveli has built a small-scale model of the Eagle to_________(64)his idea. In the wake of September 11,he has been able to secure enough funding to start building a larger ,4- meter by 4-meter prototype,_________(65)he calls the Eaglet.

选项 51._________A:. ideaB:.skillC: buildingD:.improvement


解析安全专家们正在寻找新方法从燃烧的摩天大楼中营救人们,其中的想法之一就是构建一个能够垂直升降并像直升机一样在空中盘旋的平台。“想法”用idea。从第二段第一句的“ The idea”也可知道答案。故选A。 like意为“像……一样”。 恐饰袭击中,人们肯定是“困在”高楼中,trap意为“困住”。 一个名叫(called)“老鹰”的设计方案。 由下一句的“The spinning of the propellers”可知此处是,需要用两个喷气发动机来推动四个大型水平方向旋转的螺旋推进器。turn意为“使转动,旋转”。 generate意为“产生,生产”。该句意思是,螺旋推进器快速旋转,生成必要的上升力,使平台升起。 供给螺旋推进器的能量越多,平台升得就越高。power意为“能量”。 根据上下文可知,平台是要上升(rises)。故选B。 要使平台侧向移动,则需要给螺旋推进器添加不等的能量。apply… to意为“把……应用在……”。 固定搭配。in some cases意为“有时”。句意:现在,人们有时还用直升机营救起火大楼中的被困人员。 空后一句说,由于悬挂救生篮的绳索在超出一定长度后就会非常不稳定,所以救生篮无法到达每一层楼。显然,这对于救援来说是一种不幸(Unfortunately)。故本题选A。 空后面的半句是时救生篮无法到达每一层的解释。because意为“因为”。 beyond a certain length意为“超出一定长度”。 有一个“想法”之后当然要对这个想法进行检测( test)。句意:Metreveli已经建立起一个小型“老鹰”模型来检测自己的想法。 定语从句。关联词which引导定语从句,which指代4 -meter by 4 -meter prototype。 故本题选B。