He resolved that nothing could make him

天天题库2019-12-17  13

问题 He resolved that nothing could make him leave her again.

选项 A:deleted        B:plannedC:solved        D:determined


解析本句意思:“他下定决心,再也没有什么能让他离开她了。”resolve:决定、决心。determine:决定。例如:We determined to show that our success was not by chance.我们下定决心要证明我们的胜利绝非侥幸。delete:删除。例如:If I were you, I would deletethose sentences to highlight my argument.如果我是你的话,我会把那些句子删掉,以此来突出论点。plan:计划。例如:I plan to go to Egypt for my vocation.我计划去埃及度假。solve:解决。例如:The problem of money is easily solved with his financial support.有了他在财力上的支持,钱的问题被轻松解决了。