New Ideas Iceland's President Olafur Grimsson is trying to drive carbon dio...

admin2020-12-24  13

问题 New Ideas
Iceland's President Olafur Grimsson is trying to drive carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) underground to (1)A. reduceB. narrowC. interruptD. interfere its release into the air.
Over the next two years, a team of scientists will try to (2)A. spreadB. splashC. injectD. flow carbon dioxide-charged water into the rock underground. Scientists say this should work. The #[CO_2]# will react with the rock to form a stable mineral that remains in the (3)A. airB. rockC. waterD. soil for millions of years.
If the experiment succeeds, Iceland could give the world a new (4)A. eraB. periodC. pageD. way to reduce emissions.
Sigurdur Gislason, a university professor in Iceland, says his country has an (5)A. meritB. benefitC. profitD. advantage over other countries: "We have enormous amounts of clean (6)A. oilB. energyC. gasD. solar-power and a small society. You can do experiments here that you can't do anywhere else."
In an attempt to cut back on the use of air conditioners during summer, the Japanese government in 2005 (7)A. mountedB. calledC. openedD. broke a campaign to keep office temperatures at 28~C in summer. Men were also encouraged to change business suits for (8)A. decentB. formalC. casualD. fashionable wear. In other words, no more ties.
"The (9)A. pledgeB. moveC. promiseD. statement is meant to show the government's resolve to achieve Japan's target of reducing greenhouse (温室) gas emissions by 6 percent," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda. The (10)A. campaignB. warC. activityD. assault has cut an estimated 79,000 tons of carbon dioxide gas emissions each year.As the country's 2005 Energy Policy Act (11)A. makesB. takesC. bringD. comes into force this year, more Americans will be encouraged to use (12)A. fastB. cheapC. expensiveD. environment-friendly cars and energy sources.
According to the new law, those who buy hybrid (混合) cars such as the Toyota Prius can earn tax credits, or rebates (退款) , of (13)A. underB. upC. onD. from to $2,600 a year. Homemakers (主妇) can also save when they renovate, claiming tax rebates (14)A. puttingB. worthC. buildingD. buying around $500 simply by fitting their homes with energy-saving insulation (绝缘) . If they (15)A. spendB. giveC. investD. donate in solar water heating, the payoff at tax time is equal to 30 percent of the appliance's cost or a maximum of $2,000.


答案【A. reduce】|【C. inject】|【B. rock】|【D. way】|【D. advantage】|【B. energy】|【A. mounted】|【C. casual】|【B. move】|【A. campaign】|【D. comes】|【D. environment-friendly】|【B. up】|【B. worth】|【C. invest】|

解析这里考查动词。句意:冰岛总统Olafur Grimsson试图将二氧化碳赶到地下来____在大气中的排放。四个选项:reduce(减少),narrow(变窄),interrupt(打断),interfere(干涉),根据句意选A。 (2) 解析:这里考查短语。句意:未来两年时间里,一组科学家将试图将注入二氧化碳的水____到地下岩石中。能跟into搭配的只有inject,这里表达的含义是“注入”,所以答案为C。 (3) 解析:这里考查名词。句意:二氧化碳和岩石发生反应产生一种稳定的矿物质,并留在____达百万年。根据选项,结合原句,可知还是留在岩石里,故B为正确答案。 (4) 解析:这里考查名词。句意:如果试验成功,冰岛将会带给世界一种新的____宋减少二氧化碳。很显然,原句表达的意思是“新的方法”,故D为正确答案。 (5) 解析:这里考查搭配。句意:冰岛的大学教授Sigurdur Gislason说,比起别的国家,冰岛有一个____:“我们有不计其数的干净的____和一个小社会。”这里考察固定搭配have an advantage over“在……有优势”,故选D。 (6) 解析:这里考查名词。句意:我们有不计其数的干淨的____和一个小社会。四个选项:oil“石油”,energy“能源”,gas“煤气”,solar-power“太阳能”,这里想表达总体的一个概念,B更为合适,故为正确答案。 (7) 解析:这里考查动词。句意:为了减少夏天空调的使用, 日本政府在2005年____活动,将夏天办公室的温度控制在28摄氏度。文章想表达“发起运动”,因此选择A。 (8) 解析:这里考查形容词。句意:政府也建议人们变正统服装为____打扮。空格处应是与正统服装相反的词汇,故C“便装”为正确答案。 (9) 解析:这里考查名词。句意:这____显示了日本政府为达成提出的目标____减少6%的温室气体排放量的决心。四个选项:pledge意为“保证,允诺”,move意为“举措,动作”,promise意为“承诺”,statement意为“声明”。此句承接上文,因此是“这番举措”,故B为正确答案。 (10) 解析:这里考查名词。句意:这个____每年减少预计7.9万吨二氧化碳的排放。四个选项:campaign意为“战役,社会活动”,war意为“战争”,activity意为“活动,行动”,assault意为“袭击,伤害”,所以选择A。 . (11) 解析:这里考查搭配。句意:随着今年国家2005能源政策法案____实施,更多的美国人被鼓励用____汽车和能源。come into force意为“开始实施”,因此选择D。 (12) 解析:这里考查形容词。句意:随着今年国家2005能源政策法案开始实施,更多的美国人被鼓励用 汽车和能源。fast“快的”,cheap“便宜的”,expensive“贵的”都不准确,只有D“环境友好型的”符合语境,故D为正确答案。 (13) 解析:这里考查短语。句意:根据新法律,凡是买混合型车的可以获得税贷,或者退款,____每年2600美元。此处考察短语upt0“至多”,因此选B。 (14) 解析:这里考查动词。句意:家庭主妇们在重装修时也可以省钱,只要给家安装节能绝缘装置就可以申请得到500美元的退税。根据语境,选项D“值……钱”比较符合语境。 (15) 解析:这里考查动词。句意:如果他们____太阳能热水器,他们将得到电器花费的30%或者最高2 000美元返款。四个选项中A和D均不能跟in,而B选项“投降”意思不对,因此选择C“投资”。