共用题干 Superstition1.Most of today's superstitious beliefs can be traced back...

admin2020-12-24  15

问题 共用题干

1.Most of today's superstitious beliefs can be traced back to those of primitive people who had no understanding of the laws of nature.They are surrounded by mysteries一lightening,rain,birth and death,to mention only a few. The apparent miracle of a flower growing from a tiny seed or an egg becoming a bird surely proved there were unseen spirits around.But since life in those times was hard and full of danger,primitive man decided there were more bad spirits than good ones.His problem was to figure out how to keep the evil spirits happy and satisfied and would not harm him. Thus out of ignorance and fear came superstition.
2.Ancient people also had great faith in magic.They believe that a wish made while looking at or touching something connected with good fortune would come true.For example,the rabbit's foot became a good luck charm because of the high regard in which rabbits were held by primitive people.These people were very impressed by how swiftly rabbits ran with their strong feet. Thus their legs came to be looked upon as a powerful charm against evil forces.
3.Counter-magic is a highly regarded form. It is to say or do something that was the opposite of what was really wanted.This was supposed to change bad luck to good luck.Even today some people carry an umbrella in the hope that this will keep the rain from falling. This works very well if the day happens to be dry.
4.Every country or section of world has its own beliefs and superstitious customs.In primitive parts of Africa the witch doctor is common.In some parts of Europe,and in many other places,people fear the evil that they believe is directed towards them by the eyes of certain people.Many charms and signs are used to ward off the effect of the evil eyes.Most countries also have their favorite"little people"or fairies.They are sometimes naughty,kind,and sometimes helpful.They can be blamed for all misfortunes or anything that goes wrong.
5.There are few people even today who are completely free of superstitious beliefs.In spite of facts and common sense,old tales have continued to influence people's thoughts and actions.On the other hand,if having a lucky charm in your pocket adds a feeling of confidence,keep it there.But realize that it has no power outside of what your thinking gives it.Much of the old folk beliefs have the charm of fairy tales.Have fun with them and enjoy them,but don't take them seriously.

选项 Paragraph 3_______
A:The power of the rabbit's foot
B:People's belief in magic in ancient time
C:The common superstitious beliefs in the world
D:How superstition arose
E:Different countries and areas have their own superstitious belief and customs
F: What the counter-magic is


解析本段的第一句“Most of today's superstitious beliefs can be traced back tothose of primitive people...”就指出了这段是在讲迷信的源头。选项D正确,arose是arise的过去式,意思是“出现”。
第四段主题句是“Every country or section of world has its own beliefs and superstitious customs",所以选择E。
第一段的最后一句“out of ignorance and fear came superstition",说明迷信源于无知和恐惧。blindness有“无知”的意思,dread意为“恐惧”,与原文中的两个词意思相同,所以选B。
第四段的第四句“Many charms and signs are used to ward off the effect of the evil eyes",意思是许多的符咒和标志都是用来抵御邪恶之眼的,也就是用来抵御邪灵的,由此可以得知F正确。
第四段最后提到“They can be blamed for all misfortunes or anything that goes wrong",这里的they代指上句的“little people and fairies",即任何不幸或什么出了差错都可以怪罪到“小人”和精灵的身上。attribute...to意思是“把……归因于”,因此选E。
第五段第三句讲到幸运符时," if having a lucky charm in your pocket adds a feeling of confidence , keep it there”指出幸运符可以给相信它的人增添一份自信,因此选A。