The journalist was probing into several

题库总管2019-12-17  13

问题 The journalist was probing into several financial scandals.

选项 A:exploring        B:disputingC:involving        D:solving


解析本句意思是:记者正在调查几个金融丑闻。probe意为“探查,调查”,例如:The doctor will probe your stomach with a camera.医生会用带摄像头的胃镜检查你的胃。 explore意为“探究”,例如:Let us explore the possibilities for improvement.让我们探索改善的可能性。dispute意为“争论”,例如: The couple disputed where to spend the holiday.夫妻俩为去哪里度假而发生争论。involve意为“包括”,例如:A letter of credit will involve unnecessary extra charges.信用证包含有不必要的额外开支。solve意为“解决”,例如:We have to be patient to solve the problem.我们要解决问题就得有耐心。只有选项A同句中画线词含义接近。