根据以下材料,回答 Derek Sandha, who came from France, wasdressed in formal suit on T...

admin2020-12-24  21

问题 根据以下材料,回答
Derek Sandha, who came from France, wasdressed in formal suit on Thursday morning in a hall. It was so quiet that youcould hear yourself breathe. He held a glass of baijiu in his hand, and studiedit as if it were a piece of art. Then he closed his eyes, inhaled the aroma andfinally tasted it with apparent satisfaction.
"It′s amazing," he said.
Sandha was one of the panelists judging theChinese alcoholic classic at the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles Guiyang 2015Spirits Selection in Guizhou province.
The event, which kicked off on Wednesday ina region famous for its baijiu brands, has attracted global attention, with1,397 spirits from 43 countries seeking recognition at one of the world′ s mostauthoritative spirit competitions.
It was the first time that baijiuofficially became a category of spirits to be tasted. The event was organizedby Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, established in 1994 and dubbed the"United Nations of fine wines".
"It was really hard to swallow when Idrank Chinese baijiu for the first time, because the flavor is so differentfrom Western spirits. Since I′ve learned about the culture and got used to it,I like to drink Chinese baijiu", Sandha said.
He suggested makers lower its level ofalcohol, or that people mix it with other drinks to make cocktails, for easieracceptance by Westerners.
Xie Yongwen, general engineer for Daohuaxiang, a brewer based in Hubei province, said baijiu can get to foreigners′tables with much help from the government. He said since many Chinese citieshave built friendly relationships with cities overseas, spirits from the twosides could be part of an exchange of culture, thereby promoting baijiu to theworld.
What can we know from DerekSandha?

选项 A.Sandha preferred Chinese baijiu towestern spirits.
B.Sandha couldn't accept the flavor ofChinese baijiu.
C.Sandha was satisfied with a glassofbaijiu he tasted.
D.Sandha was the organizer of the ConcoursMondial de Bruxelles Guiyang 2015 Spirits Selection.


解析细节题。A项文中没有提及。B项“Sandha不能接受白酒的味道”,该说法不正确,文中说的是Sandha第一次喝白酒的时候因为它的味道与西方的烈酒很不同而难以咽下,但当他了解了白酒的文化之后就喜欢上了喝白酒。根据第一段“Then he closed his eyes,inhaled the aromaand finally tasted it with apparent satisfaction."可知Sandha对喝的白酒很满意,C项正确。D项中应该是panelist而不是organizer。故答案选C。