The high prices for corn--while driving hunger in Africa--have encouraged oth...

admin2020-12-24  16

问题 The high prices for corn--while driving hunger in Africa--have encouraged other farmers to__________land from wheat, soybeans, or even pasture to corn production.

选项 A.turn over
B.turn on
C.turn up
D.turn around


解析考查动词短语辨析。turn around表示“回转,转向,转身,扭转”,turn over表示“(底朝上的)翻转,旋转,思考,移交等”,此处指“翻地”,turn on表示“开启,变得兴奋,突然装出,开始”。turn up表示“找到,出现.突然发生”。句意为“高涨的玉米价格在催生非洲的饥荒的同时,促使更多农场主在自己原本种植小麦、大豆甚至牧草的土地上种玉米”.故选A.