
admin2020-12-24  15

问题 1、甲公司是一家尚未上市的机械加工企业。公司目前发行在外的普通股股数为6000万股,预计2019年的营业收入为24000万元,净利润为12000万元。公司拟采用相对价值评估模型中的市销率估价模型对股权价值进行评估,并收集了三个可比公司的相关数据,具体如下:




解析【正确答案】 A公司的市销率=21.00/(21000/5000)=5 B公司的市销率=26.00/(30000/6000)=5.2 C公司的市销率=24.00/(32000/8000)=6 可比公司平均市销率=(5+5.2+6)/3=5.4(1分) 可比公司平均预期营业净利率=(9450/21000+15300/30000+16000/32000)/3×100%=48.67% 修正平均市销率=5.4/(48.67%×100)=11.10%(1分) 甲公司每股股权价值=11.10%×(12000/24000)×100×(24000/6000)=22.20(元)(1分) 甲公司股权价值=22.20×6000=133200(万元)(1分) 【正确答案】 优点:首先,它不会出现负值,对于亏损企业和资不抵债的企业,也可以计算出一个有意义的市销率。其次,它比较稳定、可靠,不容易被操纵。最后,市销率对价格政策和企业战略变化敏感,可以反映这种变化的后果。(2分) 局限性:不能反映成本的变化,而成本是影响企业现金流量和价值的重要因素之一。 市销率估价方法主要适用于销售成本率较低的服务类企业,或者销售成本率趋同的传统行业的企业。(2分) Answer: (5points) (1) Company A’s Market price/sales ratio of = 21.00 / (210,000,000/50,000,000) = 5 Company B’s Market price/sales ratio = 26.00 / (300,000,000/60,000,000) = 5.2 Company C’s Market price/sales ratio = 24.00 / (320,000,000/80,000,000) = 6 Average market price/sales ratio of comparable companies= (5+5.2+6) / 3 = 5.4? Average net profit margin of comparable companies= (94,500,000/210,000,000 + 153,000,000/300,000,000 + 160,000,000/320,000,000) / 3× 100% = 48.67% Modified average market price/sales ratio = 5.4 / (48.67% ×100) = 11.10%? Company A’s value per share = 11.10% × (12,000,000/240,000,000) ×100× (240,000,000/60,000,000) = 22.20 (RMB)? Company A’s total stock value = 22.20×60,000,000 = 1,332,000,000(RMB)? (2) Advantages: First of all, it does not have negative values. For loss-making enterprises and insolvent enterprises, it can also calculate a meaningful market price/sales ratio. Second, it is stable, reliable and not easily manipulated. Finally, the market price/sales ratio is sensitive to changes in price policies and corporate strategies and can reflect the consequences of such changes.? Limitations: It cannot reflect the change of cost, which is one of the important factors affecting the cash flow and value of an enterprise. This method is mainly applicable to service enterprises with low cost of sales or enterprises in traditional industries with similar cost of sales rate.