
Freeti2019-12-17  22

问题 2011年1月8日,A以甲公司不能清偿到期债务且资不抵债为由向人民法院提出破产申请。1月21日,人民法院裁定受理破产申请,指定了管理人,并发出公告,要求甲公司的所有债权人在5月21日之前申报债权。在申报债权到期日前,A申报到期债权1000万元,其中;欠债800万元,破产受理前违约利息200万元;B申报到期债权1000万元,该债权附有乙公司提供的连带责任保证;C申报债权50万元,该债权在一年后到期;D申报债权1200万元,该债权附有在甲公司一栋楼房上设定的抵押权。在6月1日召开的第一次债权人会议上,管理人和其他债权人认为:A的债权应当只计本金800万元,不计违约罚息200万元;B的债权不应当申报,而应当由连带保证人承担;C的债权未到期,不能确认;D的债权有抵押担保,无需申报确认。6月10日,甲公司的控股股东E向人民法院提出申请,请求对甲公司进行破产重整。人民法院审查后认为,该重整申请符合法律规定,裁定甲公司重整。随后,D要求拍卖抵押楼房以清偿自己的债权,被甲公司拒绝。重整期间,经甲公司申请,人民法院批准,甲公司在管理人监督下自行管理公司财产和营业事务。6月30日,甲公司为维持营业正常进行,其所有的另一栋楼房设定抵押向银行借贷1000万元。10月10日,,甲公司向人民法院和债权人会议提 交了重整计划草案。该草案的主要内容包括;(1)一般债权人的债权偿还60%,并且分两年支付;(2)公司股东将其拥有的50%的股份按照债权比例分配给一般债权人作为补偿;(3)抵押担保债权人的债权在两年后可得到本金的全额支付;(4)自破产申请受理开始,所有债权停止计算利息。债权人会议对上述重整计划草案进行了分组表决。除担保债权人组外,各类债权人组和出资人组都通过了重整计划草案。甲公司在与担保债权人协商不成的情况下,申请人民法院批准了重整计划草案。2012年3月,甲公司按照重整计划规定的30%的支付比例清偿第一笔债务之后,发现公司现金严重不足,重整计划无法继续执行。经管理人申请,人民法院裁定终止重整计划的执行,宣告债务人破产。甲公司请求一般债权人返还已经支付的30%的清偿款。要求;根据上述内容,分别回答下列问题。(1) 人民法院确定的债权人申报债权的期限是否合法?并说明理由。(2) 在第一次债权人会议上,管理人和其他债权人对A、B、C和D申报债权的异议是否成立? 并分别说明理由。(3) 甲公司能否拒绝D为清偿自己的债权而拍卖抵押楼房的要求?并说明理由。(4) 在重整期间,甲公司为向银行借款而以其所有的另外一栋楼房提供担保的做法是否合法?并说明理由。(5)人民法院在担保债权人对重整计划有异议的情况下,批准重整计划的做法是否符合法律规定?并说明理由。(6)在终止执行重整计划后,甲公司能否请求一般债权人返还已清偿的款项?并说明理由。



解析(1)法院确定的债权申报期限不符合规定。根据规定,债权申报期限自人民法院发布受理破产申请公告之日起计算,最短不得少于30日,最长不得超过3个月。本题中,债权申报期限为1月21日—3月21日,超过了最长期限3个月,所不符合规定。(1) The court dekrmines claims which do not meet the rules. According to tMs rule,for the creditors,claim filing period,from the date of bankruptcy petition acceptation,the period cannot exceed 3 months but not less than 30 days. In tMs question,from 21 January to 21 May, it is the credkor claim filing deadline period. It means that the period exceeds 3 months,so k does not meet the provision.(2) 对A的异议不成立。根据规定,附利息债权在破产申请受理前的利息可作为债权申报。对B的异议不成立。根据规定,债务人的保证人或者其他连带债务人尚未代替债务人清偿债务的,其对债务人的将来求偿权申报债权。但是,债权人已经向管理人申报全部债权的除外。所以,债权人可以直接向管理人申报全部债权,也可以要求连带责任保证人清偿。题目中说“应当由连带保证人承担”不符合规定。对C的异议不成立。根据规定,未到期的债权,在破产申请受理时视为到期。即可以申报债权。对D的异议不成立。根据规定,对债务人特定财产享有担保权的债权需依法申报。(2) For objection of A,k should be objected. According to the related rules,interest on bond can be seemed as the creditor's declare before the Bankruptcy petition acceptance. For objection of B,it should be objeded. According to the rules,the guarantor of the debtor or other joint debtor who has not yet paid off the debt,future claims against the debtor in order to declare creditor's right. However,it is the exception that the creditors have already appHed all creditors,creditor can apply all the credit for the management directly;they also can require the associate creditor to be cleared. In this question,“ShaH be borne by the joint and several guarantors” does not meet the rules.For the objection of C,it should be objected. According to the rules,the creditors, rights before maturity should be seemed as the expiration when the bankruptcy is applied. The creditors, rights canbeapplied.For the objection of D,itshouldbeobjected. According to the rules,specific property of the debtor shall enjoy the guaranteed creditor ' s rights. It should be declared in accordance with thelaw.(3)甲公司可以拒绝D为清偿其债权而拍卖抵押楼房的要求。根据规定,在重整期间,对债务人的特定财产享有的担保权暂停行使。所以甲公司可拒绝D的要求。(3) Company Jia couM refuse the requirement that D auctions mortgage buildings for paying off debts. In accordance with provisions,during reforming period,hypothec for debtor's specific propeilies cannot be exerdsed temporarily. So Company Jia could refuse the requirement of D.(4) 重整期间,甲公司为借款而以另一楼房提供担保的做法符合规定。根据规定,在重整期间,债务人或者管理人为继续营业而借款的,可为该借款设定担保。所甲公司的做法符合规定。(4) During reforming period,Company Jia uses another budding to offer guarantee for debts which is compHance with provisions. In accordance with provisions,during reforming period,if the debts happened by debtor or management as continuing operating,this debt could be guaranteed. So the method which Company Jia applies is compHance with provi- sions.(5) 人民法院直接批准重整计划的做法不符合规定。根据规定,只有在担保债权获得全额清偿,其因延期清偿所受损失得到公平补偿,并且其担保权未受到实质性损害的情况下,法院才可以强行批准重整计划草案。在本案中,担保债权人因延期清偿所受损失未得到补偿,法院不能强行批准重整计划草案。(3) It is not compliance with provisions which The People' s Court approvals reforming plan direcdy. In accordance with provisions,only secure claims are totally paid off,the loss from deferred repayment are compensated fairly,and its hypothec is not injured materially,The People's Court cloud cram down reforming plan diraft. In this case,the loss from deferred repayment of guaranteed debtor is not compensated. The People's Court cannot cram down reforming plan draft.行的,债权人因执行重整计划所受的清偿仍然有效,债权未受清偿的部分作为破产债权。(6)Company Jia cannot ask general creditor repay the money which is paid off In accordance with provisions,The People's Couil ruled that termination reforming plan exercised,the compensation occurred as exercising reforming plan of creditor is still working,the remaining is treated as credit of bankruptcy.【思路点拨】对于破产债权的申报,要注意掌握教材列明的几个特殊情况;题目这里只是包括一部分,各自情化下如何申报债权,还需要认真看教材