《New school life》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 Step1 Warming-up and lead-in After greet

题库总管2019-12-17  13




解析《New school life》主要教学过程及板书设计(一)教学过程Step1 Warming-up and lead-inAfter greeting the students, the teacher shows a segment of the film St, Trinian's, which is about some trouble-making students, and invite the students to have a free talk about their headaches in the new semester.Step2 Pre-listeningThe teacher tells the story of John, the speaker, who is a new comer of Beijing, and shows several pictures of John’s school life to teach the new phrases “have a headache”, “stress out” and “get a cold”.Ask students to predict the reasons why John feels bad in Beijing, any presumptions are encouraged.Step3 While-listening1. Fast-listeningGet students to listen to the tape for a first time to get the main idea of the listening material and think over the following questions:Question1: Did John enjoy his school life in Beijing?Question2: Is John’s Putonghua improving?Question3: How is John’s host family?2. Careful-listeningGet students to listen again and try to figure out the table below:[img]/upload/tiku/397/8711600_1.jpg[/img]3. Listen for a third time: students are required to read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the passage. What’s more, the teacher will read the whole passage for them.Step4 post-listening1. Group discussion: divide the students into groups of 6 and try their best to work out solutions for John. They should fill in the table below:[img]/upload/tiku/397/8711600_1_1.jpg[/img]2. Role-play: encourage students to play out the passage in pairs, one acts as John and the other acts as John’s friend in New York. They are supposed to talk about their school life and solutions to the problems.Step5 Summary and homeworkSummary: ask a student to retell the story of John according to the table on the blackboard.Homework: students are required to talk about their troubles with their parents and write down their parents’ solutions. In the next class, 3 of them will be invited to share in front of the class.(二)板书设计Blackboard Design:[img]/upload/tiku/397/8711600_1_2.jpg[/img]答辩题目解析1.你本堂课的情感态度价值观目标是什么?【教学设计问题】【参考答案】我本次设定的情感态度目标主要有如下两个:一是学生能锻炼主动克服学习过程中所遇困难的能力,二是学生能够进一步加深其对英语学习的兴趣及动机。2.你认为听前活动主要有什么?【教学设计问题】【参考答案】听前活动的主要作用在于让学生对所学材料内容有所准备,因而,老师可以采用以下几种方式:(1)介绍相关的背景知识,用图片或是视觉影响吸引学生对听力材料的注意力,激发学生的观察能力和描述能力;(2)提供一些词汇或相关问题,让学生预测所要听的材料内容;(3)提出一些开放性问题锻炼学生的想象能力和分析问题的能力。