We must try to preserve the best of our

题库总管2019-12-17  9

问题 We must try to preserve the best of our moral values for our children and grandchildren.

选项 A:prescribe        B:protectC:predict        D:purchase


解析本句意思是:为了我们的子孙后代,必须尽量保存我们道德价值中最好的部分。句中preserve意为“保护,保存”,例如:It is highly important to preserve the environment.保护自然环境至关重要。四个选项中:prescribe意为“开处方”,例如:What medicine did the doctor prescribe for your illness?医生开了什么药来治你的病?protect意为“保护”,例如:He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.他伸出手去,保护他的孩子免受伤害。predict意为 “预测”,例如:The earthquake had been predicted several months before.这次地震早在几个月以前就发布了预报。purchase意为“购买”,例如:Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.票必须提前两周买。只有选项B同句中画线单词含义接近。