认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 根据上述材料完成下列任务: (1)简述英语儿歌的特点 (2)如指导小学生学习,试拟定教学目标。 (3)依据...

admin2020-12-24  27

问题 认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。




解析【参考答案】 (1)①用词简单,易于理解 儿歌所适用的对象决定了其语言必须简单明了,易于儿童接受和理解。 ②句式多样,结构灵活 英语儿歌每个诗节的长度从两行到八行不等,有时甚至出现更长的诗节,因此可以呈现在不同的场合,产生不同的效果,从而吸引儿童,使其兴致浓厚,爱不绝口。 ③韵律响亮,朗朗上口 儿歌的英文名称为nursery rhyme,由此可得出押韵(rhyme)是其必要条件之一,同样英语儿歌的韵律格式多样。 ④语言活泼,生动形象 英语儿歌中可以见到运用各种修辞格的实例,其中,比喻、借代、拟人等比比皆是。 (2)Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims:Students canmemorize the new words”ladybird,bee,butterfly,ant”and master the usage of thesentence “What’s it? It is...” Ability aims:Students can ask andanswer with the sentence patterns “What’s it? It is...” Emotional aims:Students will lovenature,and their interest in learning English will be stimulated. (3)导入环节(Lead-in): ①Rhyme:Play a rhyme of A farmer and ten chicks. ②Daily talk:Can you tell me what insect do you like ? 【设计理由】播放节奏感强的儿歌,可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时可以引出本课的话题。小对话可以帮助学生复习以前学习过的昆虫的名字,为导入新课做准备。 操练环节(Practice): Activity 1:Guessing game Play a game with students— “which one ismissing?” The teacher will show the words of“ladybird,bee,butterfly,ant”on the blackboard and cover one word then askstudents “which one is missing?” Students will guess the word and then theteacher will show a picture of forest with many insects and cover one pictureof a insect and ask student “which one is missing?” 【设计理由】通过猜单词的游戏,可以帮助学生巩固本课所学习的单词,通过猜图片说英语,可以帮助学生更形象地理解单词的含义,更易于记忆。 Activity 2:Pair work The teacher will show a video clip of agarden with many insects ,And ask students to introduce the insects in pairs.And then ask them to show their introductions to whole class. Students shoulduse the sentence patterns of “What is it ? It is...” 【设计理由】角色扮演的活动,可以巩固本文学习的句型,并帮助学生提升口语表达能力。