根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 用四种方法引入Christmas的课文,并举例。

admin2020-12-24  48

问题 根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。



解析(1)直接导入:直接阐明本节课的学习内容、目标和要求的导入方法。E.g.Teacher:We are going to learn something about Christmas.It’s on the 25th,December.It is an important festival in western culture. (2)问题导入:教师通过提出富有启发性的问题,引出新的教学内容的导人方法。E.g.Teacher:Do you know anything about Christmas Do you know Santa Claus Do you know the story about Santa Claus Have you ever received a Christmas gift Ask students to answer these questions. (3)情境导人:呈现与话题相关的情境,引出所要学习的内容。E.g.The teacher shows some pictures about Christmas,such as the Christmas tree,Santa Claus,Christmas carol,and asks students to talk about what they usually do on Christmas. (4)故事导入:教师通过讲述教学内容有关的故事,从而引出新知识的方法。E.g.The teacher tells the story of Santa Claus and asks the students to talk about what they learn from the story.