Why People Use Pseudonyms (假名字) You can't choose the name you are given at...

admin2020-12-24  11

问题 Why People Use Pseudonyms (假名字)
You can't choose the name you are given at birth, but in many countries you can change it legally when you reach adulthood. Of course, most people never change theft names (1)A. as ifB. asC. even ifD. even they feel unhappy about them. However, some people do (2)A. takeB. makeC. bringD. have this course, of action--particularly artists! What makes an artist want to change their name? Sometimes it's for purely (3)A. obviousB. economicC. ownD. personal reasons, such as the Nobel Prize winning poet from Chile, Neflali Reyes. He didn't want his father to (4)A. understandB. knowC. recognizeD. observe he was writing poetry, so he changed his name to Pablo Nemda when he was a young man (5)A. AtB. OnC. InD. During other times the reason may appear strange; take the case of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, (6)A. whomB. whoC. whichD. that wrote under 75 different names. The reason? "When I use a different name, I always write in a different way," he explained. In most cases, (7)A. butB. althoughC. andD. however , people change their names, for social, historical, political, or cultural reasons. Here are some of the most (8)A. scientificB. commonC. technicalD. average .
The person's real name is just (9)A. soB. tooC. veryD. much long and difficult to remember. Let's be honest, Madonna Louise Ciccone is not as (10)A. easyB. simpleC. briefD. pretty to remember as just plain "Madonna". And short names are much easier to remember: William Bradley became Brad Pitt and Edson Arantes do Nascimento became Pele. Sometimes names are changed for marketing (11)A. thoughtsB. endsC. goalsD. purposes . For example, if a name sounds too "foreign", it may be changed to something that is more recognizable in a (12)A. marketB. filmC. bookD. city . So in the film world, Ramon Estevez adopted the name Martin Sheen. Or maybe the artist's real name doesn't sound very attractive-- Chad Everett does (13)A. lookB. soundC. seemD. hear a lot better than Raymond Cramton.
Artists sometimes (14)A. chooseB. changeC. giveD. mention the name of someone they admire. Robert Zimmerman changed his name to Bob Dylan because of his admiration for the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas.
Another reason may be practicality: in the past, women found it very difficult to get published. To (15)A. admitB. assureC. avoidD. affect this situation they sometimes gave themselves men's names, so the English author Mary Ann Evans became George Eliot, and she did get her books published!


答案【C. even if】|【A. take】|【D. personal】|【B. know】|【A. At】|【B. who】|【D. however】|【B. common】|【B. too】|【A. easy】|【D. purposes】|【A. market】|【B. sound】|【A. choose】|【C. avoid】|

解析本题考查逻辑关系。句意:大多数人不会改名字,_____他们对自己的名字不满意。由此可以判断前后分句是让步转折意义的,所以答案为even if“即便,即使”,其他的选项都没有转折意思,尤其要注意even是副词,不可以用于句首引出从句。 (2) 解析:本题考查固定搭配take action“采取行动,采取措施”。句意:有些人,尤其是艺术家们,会付诸这种行动。 (3) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:什么使得艺术家们想要改名呢?有时候,这完全是原因。根据后面such O.S后所举的例子知道,某些人改名字完全出于个人原因,故选择pe~onal。obvious意为“明显的”,economic意为“经济上的”,own意为“自己的”。 (4) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:他改名字是为了不让父亲_____他在写诗这件事。四个选项,know意为“知道,了解”,understand意为“理解”,recognize意为“认出”,observe意为“察觉、观察”。分别代入后,选项B比较符合语境。 (5) 解析:本题考查固定词组at other times“在其他的情况”。句意:在其他情况下改名的原因可能是奇怪的。 (6) 解析:本题考查定语从句。句意:以葡萄牙诗人Femando Pessoa为例,此人用过75个不同的名字写作。分析本句结构,应该是非限定性定语从句对“此诗人”做出补充解释,故用who。that不能用于非限定性定语从句;which不能表示人,只能表示物;whom是宾格形式,只能作宾语不能作主语 (7) 解析:本题考查逻辑关系。此空前后都有逗号,需要填一个副词表示转折,四个选项中只有however放在句子中间时前后要加逗号。 (8) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:大家改名字有社会、历史、政治和文化等方面的原因,下面是几种最、原因。四个选项,scientific意为“科学的”,common意为“常见的,普遍的,共同的”,technical意为“技术的”,average意为“平均的,普通的”。四个选项分别带入后,选项B比较符合语境。 (9) 解析:这里考查固定结构too…to…“太……而不能……”。句意:某些人的名字太长、太难不好记。 (10) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:Madonna Louise Ciccone不像Madonna那样_____记。根据上下文知道,本句是想说简单明了更容易记住。因此选用easy一词,与前句的difficult宋对应,而后一句话中的easierto remember也可以帮助我们选择easy。 (11) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:有时候改名是为了营销_____。此题后三个选项都能表示“目的”,但各有不同,end往往表示最终目的,而且常常用于指与手段相对应的目的;goal则更多的是指个人或者某群体决心要达到的目标,通常指一般的趋势或方向而没有最终的具体目标;而purpose则主要是指所向往的结果,是行为、行动的缘由。 (12) 解析:本题考查词汇。根据前一句中的marketing purposes一词可以判断此句是想说“把名字改成在市场上更好识记的”,因此选market,而不是在某部电影、某本书或者是某个城市中更容易辨识。 (13) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:或者,可能艺术家的名字听起来不够吸引人一Chad EvereR比Raymond Cramto_____好很多。根据前半句里的doesn’t sound可以判断此处应该选用sound来表示“听上去怎样”,其他三个选项的词意都不恰当。 (14) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:艺术家有时候_____自己所欣赏的人的名字。四个选项,choose意为“选择,选用”,give意为“给”,change意为“改变”,mention意为“提到,提及”。分别代入后,选项A比较符合语境。 (15) 解析:本题考查词汇。句意:为了_____情况,她们有时候会取个男人的名字。根据前一句“在过去女性很难出版自己的作品”可知avoid“避免”比较符合语境。其他选项admit意为“承认”,assure意为“确认”,affect意为“影响”,都不符合语境。