He advanced a novel theory during the se

免费考试题库2019-12-17  9

问题 He advanced a novel theory during the seminar.

选项 A:moved        B:inventedC:furnished        D:developed


解析本句意思:“他在研讨会上提出了一个全新的理论。”develop:发展,例如:Ten years ago, they began to develop the aviation industry.十年前,他们开始发展航空工业。 move:移动,例如:That chair is in the way, move it please.那把椅子档着道,请把它搬开。invent:发明,例如:He can always invent a new game to amuse the children.他总能想出新的游戏来供孩子们娱乐。furnish:提供,例如:I will furnish all you need.我愿供给你所需要的一切。