共用题干 Just one hour's listening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim sc...

admin2020-12-24  14

问题 共用题干
Just one hour's listening to an MP3 player can damage hearing,claim scientists.It causes temporary changes in hearing sensitivity which may lead to long-term harm,according to a new study.
The findings show over -stimulation of hair cells within the ear occurs even at varying volume levels for short periods of time.The study of almost 60 young people carried out by researchers at Ghent University,Belgium,is published in the Archives of Otolaryngology -Head&Neck Surgery journal.
It follows previous warnings from doctors that using MP3 players at high volumes with earphones that fit into the ear canal could lead to loss of hearing. In the latest study,21 people aged 19 to 28 years were exposed to pop and rock music using MP3 players at varying volumes for one hour. A second group of 28 men and women were a control group who were not exposed to MP3 music.
Hearing tests were carried out before and after the exposure,which found significant threshold or emission shifts were observed between almost every session of the noise exposure group compared with the control group.Lead researcher Hannah Kempler said:Excessive noise exposure can lead to metabolic and mechanical effects resulting in alterations of the structural elements of the inner ear that contains auditory sensory cells or"hair cells".
The European Commission has warned up to 10% of 30-year-old would have to wear a hearing device within the next decade because they listen to music too loudly through headphones.Surveys showed more than 90% of young people in Europe and the U.S.used MP3 players,often for several hours a day at maximum volume.Hearing experts recommend the 60/60 rule一listening to MP3 players for no more than 60 minutes at a time at 60% of maximum volume.Concern among EU health and safety officials has led to plan to ensure all MP3 players have the same maximum volume of 85 decibels(dB)一although users may be able to individually override it at their own risk.

选项 In the "60/60rule" (Para.5),the latter"60"stands for 60% of maximum volume.
C:Not mentioned


解析通过MP3播放器听60分钟的音乐不会损伤人的听力。根据是第一段第一句:Just one hour's listening to an MP3 player can damage hearing, claim scientists.科学家说,听 MP3哪怕只是短短一小时也有可能会损害听力。因此该句话是错误的。
这项新研究的研究结果和早前医生对于戴着耳机调高音量听MP3的危险的警告不谋而合。根据是第三段第一句:It follows previous warnings from doctors that using MP3 players at high volumes with earphones that fit into the ear canal could lead to loss of hearing.在此之前有医生警告说戴耳机听MP3时音量开得太高会导致耳聋。因此该句话是正确的。
对照组指的是短时间听MP3的人。根据是第三段最后一句:A second group of 28 men and women were a control group who were not exposed to MP3 music.另外一组中的28名男女作为对照组则没有听MP3播放的音乐。因此该句话是错误的。
根据听MP3之后的听力测试,对照组和收听组之间没有发现太多的差别。根据是第四段第一句:Hearing tests were carried out before and after the exposure, which found significant threshold or emission shifts were observed between almost every session of the noise exposure group compared with the control group.在听音乐前后分别进行了听力测试,结果发现几乎每次都能够在噪音接触组和对照组之间观察到重要的临界点和发出声音的变化。因此该句话是错误的。
据调查,欧美大多数年轻人将音量调到最高收听MP3的时间都过长。根据是第五段第二句:Surveys showed more than 90% of young people in Europe and the U.S.used MP3 players, often for several hours a day at maximum volume.研究表明,欧洲和美国超过90% 的年轻人使用MP3,而且经常每天将音量开至最大连续听数小时。因此该句话是正确的。
在60/60原则中,第二个60指的是最高音量的60%。根据是第五段第三句:Hearing experts recommend the 60/60 rule一listening to MP3 players for no more than 60 minutes at a time at 60% of maximum volume.听力专家建议60/60原则即每次听MP3时间不超过 60分钟,音量调节为最大音量的60%。因此该句话是正确的。
由最后一段最后一句Concern among EU health and safety officials has led to plan to ensure all MP3 players have the same maximum volume of 85 decibels(dB)一although users may be able to individually override it at their own risk.可知,是欧洲委员会健康和安全部门的官员们,已经出台了计划将所有MP3播放器的最高音量统一设定为85分贝,而不是MP3的生产厂家已将最高音量设为85分贝。故题中说法错误。