He has showed a gift for painting since

免费考试题库2019-12-17  17

问题 He has showed a gift for painting since he was young.

选项 A:ability        B:capabilityC:competence        D:talent


解析他年轻时就显现出绘画的天赋。ability“能力”,如:He has the ability to handle the job well.他有能力胜任这一职位。capability“能力,素质”,如:People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.在一天当中的不同时间,人的体力和脑力也会有所差异。competence“能力,才干”,如:He is a man of high professional competence.他是一个业务能力很强的人。talent“天赋,天资”,如:She's proud that both her children have a talent for music.她为自己的两个孩子都有音乐天赋而自豪。只有talent意思上和gift最接近。