共用题干 Acupuncture一Old Chinese MedicineFo

免费考试题库2019-12-17  13

问题 共用题干Acupuncture一Old Chinese Medicine

For more than 4,000 years people in Asia have used acupuncture to treat illnesses.________ (46)Today acupuncture is also very popular in Europe,America and Australia.
Acupuncture can control pain and sickness.It can also be used if you have a headache or back pain.Some doctors use acupuncture along with regular treatments for asthma,high blood pressure or stress.________(47)Some people think that acupuncture can treat depression and even help people to stop smoking. Many patients feel more energy after a treatment,while others may feel more relaxed.
People who practice acupuncture must take courses to learn how to do it correctly._________(48)
During treatment the patient lies down and needles are stuck into certain points of the body. There are hundreds of possible points and each one has a certain effect on the body._________(49) For example you stick a needle into the hand to treat problems with your stomach.
Acupuncture needles are made of metal and about as thick as a human hair. They normally go less than one cm into the skin.When they are in the skin the acupuncturist may twist them or send electricity through them.The patients rest for a short time and then the needles are removed.
Acupuncture normally doesn't hurt. There is also a milder form of acupuncture called acupressure where you don't need needles.Doctors use their fingers to press the points of the body.
Chinese medicine teaches us that all acupuncture points are located along pathways called meridians.Each of these meridians carries energy,which the Chinese call "qi" to certain points of the body.If this "qi" gets blocked from an area the person will get sick or feel pain.Sticking needles into the correct points can help "qi" flow again and make the person well.
Doctors today are not sure how acupuncture really works.They have not found any proof that these pathways of energy really exist.Some think that needles cause the body to produce pain killing substances.________(50)Some also say that acupuncture only works because patients believe in it.

选项 _________(46)A:In many places,especially outside of Asia,only doctors are allowed to perform acupuncture.B:The earliest written record of acupuncture is found in the Huangdi Neijing.C:Doctors have even used acupuncture to stop pain during an operation.D:The points can also be very far away from the place of pain.E:Others think that the needles block pain signals that travel along the nerves to the brain.F: It is an old Chinese form of healing in which your skin is pierced with thin needles to relieve pain.


解析本题考查的是对上下文之间意义关系的理解和对文章细节的把握。第一句泛泛介绍针灸,接着就对针灸做了一个较为详细的定义:这种古老的中国疗法采用针刺进皮肤的方式来缓解疼痛。让对针灸不了解的人对于“什么是针灸”有个较为具体的概念。因此选F。 本题考查的是对上下文之间意义关系的理解和对文章细节的把握。第二段主要介绍针灸的疗效,前一句中说:有些医生采用针灸结合常规方法来治疗哮喘、高血压或者是精神紧张。后一句说:有人认为针灸可以治疗抑郁症,甚至可以帮助人们戒烟。由此推断中间这句依然讲的是针灸在医学治疗领域的作用。因此选C,有些医生甚至使用针灸来实现手术过程中的止疼。 本题考查的是对上下文之间意义关系的理解。该段主要讲的是针灸师的行医资格。因此选A,在很多地方尤其是亚洲以外的地方,只有医生才能够进行针灸治疗。 本题考查的是对上下文之间意义关系的理解。下一句:例如你会将针扎入手部来治疗胃部的毛病。可以推断这个例子是为了说明前面的论断,即D选项:这些穴位有可能离疼痛的位置很远。 本题考查的是对上下文之间意义关系的理解。本段主要讲医生们依然不知道针灸产生疗效的科学原理是什么,人们纷纷进行推测,前一句和后一句中都出现some,因此介于二者中间的这句应该也是关于这个疗效原理的推理,即E选项:其他人则认为针会阻止疼痛信号沿着神经抵达大脑。并且some和others形成一个句式:有些人······其他人······