共用题干 Heat Is Killer Extremely hot weath

昕玥2019-12-17  13

问题 共用题干Heat Is Killer Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world.Although hot weather just makes most people feel hot,it can_______(51)serious medical problems-even death.Floods,storms,volcano eruptions and other natural______(52)kill thousands of people every year.
So______(53) extreme heat.Experts say heat may be nature's deadliest killer, Recently,extreme heat was blamed ______(54)killing more than one hundred people in India.It is reported that the total heat of a hot day or several days can______(55)health.Several hot days are considered a heat wave.
Experts say heat waves often become dangerous when the nighttime temperature does not_______(56)much from the highest daytime temperature.This causes great stress on the human body.
Doctors say people can do many things to______(57)themselves from the dangers of extreme heat. Stay out of the sun,if possible.Drink lots of cool water.Wear light colored clothing made______(58) natural materials;avoid wearing synthetic clothing.
Make sure the clothing is______(59),permitting freedom of movement.
And learn the danger______(60)of the medical problems,such as headache and vomiting,that are linked to heat.Most people suffer only muscle pain as a(n)______(61)of heat stress.The fiain is a______(62)that the body is becoming too hot.Doctors say those suffering headache or muscle pain should stop all activity,rest in a cool place and drink cool liquids.Do not return to physical _______(63)for a few hours because more serious conditions could develop.
Doctors say some people face an______(64)danger from heat stress.Such persons have a weak or damaged heart,high blood pressure,or other problems of the blood system.
Hot Weather also increases dangers for people who must take______(65)for high blood pressure, poor blood flow,nervousness or depression.

选项 51._________A:cause B:make C:affect D:form


解析该句意思是:别以为高温仅仅让人们感觉炎热,实际上它还会引发严重的疾病,甚至死亡。cause意思是“引起,造成”,符合句意。make制作;affect影响;form形成。 disasters意思是“灾难”, natural disasters意为“自然灾难”。前面的floods , storms,volcano eruptions都是自然灾害的具体表现,因此B项符合句意。pains疼痛;matters事件;experiences经历。 根据上文意思可知,该句意思是:极热天气更是如此。此处是倒装句,so+助动词+主语,表示主语一也这样。因为extreme heat为单数,所以助动词应用第三人称单数形式。 该句意思是:近来,印度有100多人死于极端高温天气。be blamed for为固定搭配,意思是“对……负有责任”,符合句意。 该句意思是:据报道,一天或几天里遭受持续高温的袭击将影响健康。affect意思是“影响”,符合句意。change改变;obtain获得;cause引起。 该句意思是:如果到夜晚没有降温,热浪是很危险的。drop意思是“下降”,符合句意。soar骤然上升;remove移动;meet遇见,满足。 protect…from…意思是“保护……免受……”,符合句意。keep/stop/prevent…from…阻止……发生。 该句意思是:要穿天然材料制作的衣服,不穿合成面料的服装。be made of意思是“由……制成”(看不出来原材料),符合句意。be made from由……制成(看得出来原材料);be made in在……制作;be made for为……制作。 根据后半句意思可知,该句意思是:要确保衣服一定要宽松,以便活动自由。loose意思是“宽松的”,符合句意。tight绷紧的;large大的;small小的。 该句意思是:了解高温引发疾病的危险信号,比如头疼、呕吐。signs意思是“信号”,符合句意。designs设计;traits特点;points观点。 该句意思是:大多数人遭受高温仅会感到肌肉疼痛。as a result of为固定搭配,意思是“作为……的结果”,符合句意。 该句意思是:疼痛是对你身体温度过高的警告。warning意思是“警告”,符合句意。inference推理,推断;need需要;guidance指导。 该句意思是:几个小时内都不要再进行体力活动,否则还会导致更严重的状况。activity意思是“活动”, physical activity意为“体力活动”,符合句意。act行为,行动;action行动;acting演戏。 该句意思是:医生指出,一些人面对高温天气的危险又增加了。increased意思是“增多的,增加的”,符合句意。impossible不可能的;incident偶然的;incredible难以置信的。 该句意思是:炎热天气对于那些必须服药以控制高血压等的人也增加了危险。take medicine意思是“服药”,符合句意。take food吃东西;take water喝水;take meal吃饭。