New York is rated second in the producti

题库总管2019-12-17  7

问题 New York is rated second in the production of 850,000,000 dollars this year.

选项 A:ranked        B:occupiedC:arranged        D:classified


解析本句话的意思:纽约今年产值8.5亿美元,排名第二。rank意为“排名”, 最符合题意,如:This tennis player ranked third in the world.这位网球运动员排名世界第三。 occupy意为“占用”,如:The enemy occupied the town.敌人占据了这座城镇。arrange意为“安排”,如:Can you arrange my meeting with him?你能安排个我和他的会面么?classify意为“分类”,The books in the library are classified by subject.图书馆的书是按科目分类的。