共用题干 The Caffeine HabitThere are more than 170 million drug addicts in the U...

admin2020-12-24  6

问题 共用题干
The Caffeine Habit

There are more than 170 million drug addicts in the U.S.,and the strange thing is that you can be
counted as one of them.You consume your drug of choice every day;you'd feel ill if you couldri't have it;
you'd have a hard time quitting it.
_______________(46)And if you think you get it only in coffee,tea,coca cola,or in smaller bite of choco-
[ate,you haven'tbeen paying attention.Food manufacturers recognize a hot market when they see it,and
with anywhere from 55%to 90%of the U.S.population consuming caffeine every day. _______________(47)The
popular Red Bull energy drink is one of them,and others like caffeine-infused gum,mints,beer,candy,even
soap一which is supposed to provide its caffeine boost through the skin.
Regular amount of caffeine has been the subject of endless medical studies.We know caffeine could
work effectively by controlling neurotransmitters that would normally make you sleepy,improving cognitive
Function and even athletic performance.________________(48)"Exactly what level of caffeine is harmful is not
clearly established,but generally more than five cups of coffee is too much,"said physiologist Harris Lieber-
man from U.S.Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine,who has been studying the effects of
caffeine for more than 20 years."It's typically possible to die from a caffeine overuse,but,"says Dr. Eric
Lavonas, a North Carolina emergency-room doctor,"you have to really work at it." _______________(49)Bill
Bradley,in 2000 presidential candidate,attributed his irregular heartbeat to caffeine overuse.
In a country of caffeine addicts,it's unlikely that you'll never develop a serious problem,and there
aren't any repair centers for coffee dependence._______________(50)The highest caffeine boost can be felt one
hour following input,but significant effects can last for eight hours.If you're at risk for heart disease or
digestive disorders,talk to your doctor about how much caffeine you should be drinking. Like any pleasurable
substance,caffeine can be abused.So enjoy一but with care.

选项 _________(47)
A:Depending on the study,the stuff now is turning up everywhere.
B:The chemical that has you addicted,of course,is caffeine.
C:But how much is too much?
D:Far more common are people who simply fall ill from eating or drinking too much of that stuff.
E:Here are seven tips to loosen the death grip of caffeine addiction.
F: So the best advice is to know your limits.


解析根据第1段的介绍可知在美国有超过1亿7千万的吸毒者,并且每个普通人都有可能 被算作其中的一员;再根据空格后“And if you think you get it only in coffee , tea , coca cola , or in smaller bite of chocolate , you haven ' t been paying attention.(并且如果你认为你只有通过喝咖 啡、茶、可乐,或咬一小口巧克力才会摄入它,那是你还没有重视到它。)”可知选项中B最符合 答案。
根据空格前“Food manufacturers recognize a hot market when they see it , and with anywhere from 55% to 90% of the U.S.population consuming caffeine every day.(食品制造商看到它时就 知道它会有一个火热的市场,这个市场涉及每天消耗咖啡因的占美国总人口的比重从55%到 90%的任何地方),”以及空格后“The popular Red Bull energy drink is one of them , and others like caffeine-infused gum,mints,beer,candy,even soap一which is supposed to provide its caffeine boost through the skin(流行的红牛能量饮料是其中之一,其他类似的如,有咖啡因注入的口香糖,薄荷糖,啤酒,糖果,甚至肥皂——这应该是通过皮肤提供了咖啡因刺激)",可知选项中A 最符合逻辑。
根据空格前“We know caffeine could work effectively by controlling neurotransmitters that would normally make you sleepy , improving cognitive function and even athletic performance.(我们 知道咖啡因会有效控制通常会使你昏昏欲睡的神经递质,改善认知功能甚至运动性能)",以 及空格后“Exactly what level of caffeine is harmful is not clearly established , but generally more than five cups of coffee is too much (究竟什么水平的咖啡因是有害的,没有明确规定,但一般超过5 杯咖啡就实在是太多了)”。两者相联系,可知选项C最符合逻辑。
根据空格前“you have to really work at it(你不得不认真面对它)",以及空格后“attribu- ted his irregular heartbeat to caffeine overuse(他的心律不齐归因于咖啡因摄入过度)",可知选项 中D最符合逻辑。
根据空格前“In a country of caffeine addicts , it ' s unlikely that you ' ll never develop a seri- ous problem , and there aren ' t any repair centers for coffee dependence.",由此可知选项中F最符 合逻辑。第6部分:完形填空