
昕玥2019-12-17  29

问题 甲企业是一家医疗器械企业,现对公司财务状况和经营成果进行分析,以发现和主要竞争对手乙公司的差异。(1)甲公司2018年主要财务数据如下所示(单位:万元):?资产负债表        2018年末货币资金        4450应收票据及应收账款        6500预付款项        1300存货        4250固定资产        13500资产合计        30000流动负债        7000非流动负债        11000股东权益        12000负债和股东权益合计        30000利润表        2018年度营业收入        36000减:营业成本        23400税金及附加        1080销售费用        5040管理费用        576财务费用        144利润总额        5760减:所得税费用        1440净利润        4320假设资产负债表项目年末余额代表全年水平。(2)乙公司相关财务比率:营业净利率        总资产周转次数        权益乘数25%        0.8        1.5要求:<1>?、使用因素分析法,按照营业净利率、总资产周转次数、权益乘数的顺序,对2018年甲公司相对于乙公司权益净利率的差异进行定量分析。<2>?、指出造成甲公司与乙公司权益净利率差异的最主要因素。<3>?、说明营业净利率、总资产周转次数、权益乘数三个指标各自经济含义及各评价企业哪方面能力,并指出甲、乙公司在经营战略和财务政策上的差别。



解析<1>、 甲公司:营业净利率=4320/36000×100%=12%总资产周转次数=36000/30000=1.2(次)权益乘数=30000/12000=2.5甲公司权益净利率=12%×1.2×2.5=36%乙公司权益净利率=25%×0.8×1.5=30%权益净利率差异=36%-30%=6%(1分)营业净利率差异造成的权益净利率差异=(12%-25%)×0.8×1.5=-15.6%(1分)总资产周转次数造成的权益净利率差异=12%×(1.2-0.8)×1.5=7.2%(1分)权益乘数差异造成的权益净利率差异=12%×1.2×(2.5-1.5)=14.4%(1分)<2>、通过分析可知,造成甲公司权益净利率高于乙公司的最主要因素是甲公司的权益乘数高于乙公司。<3>、营业净利率反映每1元营业收入取得的净利润,可以概括企业的全部经营成果,该比率越大,企业的盈利能力越强。总资产周转次数说明每1元总资产支持的营业收入,是反映企业营运能力的指标。权益乘数表明每1元股东权益启动的总资产的金额,是反映长期偿债能力的指标。(2分)营业净利率和总资产周转次数可以反映企业的经营战略;权益乘数可以反映企业的财务政策。在经营战略上,甲公司采用的是“低盈利、高周转”方针,乙公司采用的是“高盈利、低周转”方针。财务政策上,甲公司配置了更高的财务杠杆。Answer: (5points)(1) Company A:Net profit margin = 43,200,000/360,000,000 × 100% = 12%Total asset turnover = 360,000,000/300,000,000 = 1.2 (Times)Equity multiplier = 30,000/12,000 = 2.5Company A Return on equity= 12% ×1.2×2.5 = 36%Company B Return on equity= 25% ×0.8×1.5 = 30%The difference in Return on equity = 36%-30% = 6%The difference in Return on equity due to Net profit margin difference=(12%-25%) ×0.8×1.5 = -15.6%The difference in Return on equity caused by total asset turnover difference = 12% × (1.2-0.8) ×1.5 = 7.2%The difference in Return on equity due to equity multiplier difference = 12% ×1.2× (2.5-1.5)= 14.4%(2)According to the analysis, the most important factor that causes the higher net profit margin of Company A than Company B is the higher equity multiplier of Company A than Company B.(3)The net profit margin reflects the net profit of every 1 RMB of sales, which can summarize all operating results of the enterprise. The higher the ratio, the stronger the profitability of the enterprise.Total asset turnover refers to the sales supported by every 1 RMB of total assets, which is an indicator of the operating capacity of an enterprise.The equity multiplier indicates the amount of total assets initiated per 1 RMB of shareholders' equity and is an indicator of long-term solvency.Net profit margin and total asset turnover can reflect the enterprise's business strategy; The equity multiplier reflects a company's financial policy. In terms of business strategy, Company A adopts the policy of "low profit and high turnover", while Company B adopts the policy of "high profit and low turnover". In terms of financial policies, Company A is equipped with higher financial leverage.