共用题干 Public and Private Schools in the

天天题库2019-12-17  16

问题 共用题干Public and Private Schools in the Unite States

Religious and private schools receive little or no support from public taxes in the Unite States, and,as a result,are usually somewhat expensive to_________(51).The largest group of religious schools in America__________(52)by the Roman Catholic Church.While religious schools tend to be__________(53)expensive than private schools,there are usually some fees.
When there is free education available to all children in the Unite States,why do people_______(54)money on private schools?Americans offer________(55)great variety of reasons for doing so,including the desire of some parents to_________(56)their children to schools_________(57)classes tend to be smaller,or where religious instruction is included as part of the educational program,or because,________(58)their opinion,the public schools in their area are not________(59)high enough quality to meet their needs.Private schools in the Unite States_________(60)widely in size,quality,and in the kind of program that are offered to meet _________(61)of certain students.
The degree_________(62)American parents are active in their children's schools is often _________(63)to people of other countries.Most schools have organizations__________(64)of both parents and teachers,usually called P. T. A for Parent-Teacher-Association.They meet together to__________(65)various matters concerning the school. Parents often give their time to help with classroom or after school activities.

选项 _________(51)A:go        B:attendC:take part in        D:enroll


解析attend school意为“上学”;A应改为go to ; take part in意为“参加”;enroll意为“注册,登记”,通常和介词in或者at搭配使用,如:" enroll in an English training course”报名参加英语培训课。 run有“经营”的意思,这里是一个过去分词,用于被动语态。 本句话中的while表示转折,意思是虽然教会学校没有私立学校那么昂贵,但是通常多少也要有些费用。 spend money on sth.是个固定搭配,意思是“把钱花在······上”。pay的用法一般是pay money for sth.意思是“为······付钱”。cost的主语一般不是人,而是东西,如: This book cost me $30.这本书花了我30美元。take一般用于“It takes sb.some time to do sth.”结构,如:It took me a long time to work out this maths problem.我花了好长时间才算出这道数学题。 a great variety of是“各种各样的”的意思。 这里是不定式作后置定语的情况,send their children to school意思是“送他们的孩子上学”。 where引导的定语从句修饰schools,意思是班级人数较少的学校。 in one's opinion是“在某人看来”的意思。 "be of+n.”这样的结构相当于“be + adj." , " is not of high quality to meet their needs”的意思是“质量不够高不能满足他们的要求”。 主语是复数名词,因此应该在A项differ和C项extend中间作选择,differ 意为“不同”; extend意为“延伸,扩展”。因此differ在意思上最合适。 meet one's needs = meet the needs of sb.意为“满足某人的需要”。 这里是介词加which引导定语从句的情况,to a degree是个固定搭配,意思是“在很大程度上”。 可以根据上下句判断出这里需要一个形容词,surprised的意思是“吃惊的”,一般用于表示人,如:She is surprised at the fluency of my oral English.她对我流利的英语口语感到吃惊。surprising的意思是“令人吃惊的”,可以用来表示事情。striking的意思是“显著的”,如:striking increase明显的增加。 “由······组成”的表达方法有consist of , be comprised of , be composed of和be made up of,这里需要一个分词作定语来修饰。rganizations,因此选择consisting , " orgarnzations consisting of parents and students”的意思是“由家长和老师组成的机构”。 talk to sb.的意思是“和某人讲话”; comment on sth.的意思是“对某事发表评论”;discuss sth.的意思是“讨论某事”; exchange后一般跟opinions或者ideas之类,表示 “交换观点、看法”。这句话说的是他们碰面讨论关于学校的各种事情。