Fread′s mostfamous pupil is Carl Gustav

shuhaiku2019-12-17  13

问题 Fread′s mostfamous pupil is Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss physician, psychiatrist, philosopherand psychologist. Selecting Jung as his favorite "son," Freudappointed him his successor. Moreover, toward the end of their seven-years,teacher-disciple relationship, Jung prophetically wrote to Freud, quoting fromNietzsche′s Thus Spake Zarathustra, "One repays a teacher badly if oneretains only a pupil."A year later, thepupil broke off his master and eventually became one of the leading forces inthe psychoanalytic movement.Jung sdissatisfaction with Freudian psychoanalysis arises from theoreticaldifferences with Freud concerning on the interpretation of dreams and the modelof the human psyche. According to Freud, all human behavior, including dreams,is fundamentally sexual therefore it is driven by an individual′s sexual energyor libido. Freud interpreted dreams almost exclusively in sexual terms, likingmost of them to the Oedipus or Electra complexes.Jung disagreed withFreud′s basic premise that all human behavior is sexual driven; more thansexual imagery, Jung argued, appears in dreams. In his work, Jung asserts thatdreams include mythological images as well as sexual ones. Jung′s new ideacaused him to be banished from the psychoanalytic community for a few years.During this time,however, he formulated his own model of the human psyche, which would becomemost important contribution to psychology and literary criticism.SECTION B: Writing(25 marks)第45处答案是 _______________.



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