请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。请根据上述材料完成下列任务: (1)简述小学阶段记忆英语单词的方法有哪些。 (2)如指导小学生学习材料,试拟定教学目...

admin2020-12-24  40

问题 请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。




解析(1)可以利用联想记忆、谐音记忆和利用卡片进行记忆。 首先,联想记忆是因为小学生对形象直观的事物比较感兴趣,把单词联想成生活中常见的一些事物能帮助学生记忆。如eye把两个e想象成两只眼睛,把y想象成鼻子。 其次,谐音记忆也可以帮助学生快速地记住单词,例如pest是害虫,一想到害虫我们都想到“拍死它”,这个谐音和单词的读音很像。 最后,卡片记忆法就是将单词整理写在卡片上,可供随时翻阅并加以记忆。这种方法的特点是简单实用并易于携带,不受时间和空间的限制,可随时随地随用。这样不仅可以寓学于乐,而且还可以大大提高对课余时间的合理有效利用。 除此之外还要注意及时巩固。艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线表明,遗忘规律是先快后慢,建议学生在刚学完单词之后多记忆,以免遗忘。 (2) Teaching Aims Knowledge aim: Students can read,write and memorize the words: ice cream, hamburger, tea, Sandwich, Salad. Ability aim: Students can use the words to order food in a restaurant. Through the activities and games,Students’ ability of listening and speaking can be improved. Emotional aim: Students can get to know more about the healthy eating style, and know the eating custom in Eastern country. (3)巩固练习活动 ① Guessing game Prepare some cards of food, and then use some words to describe them and ask students to guess the food, and find them in the cards and then paste them on the blackboard,teacher pasting them on the blackboard, teacher shows them the right answer on the blackboard. T: The first one is Chinese food. We often eat it with the vegetables and meat. What’s this? You, Please. Ok, he chooses the rice card. Please paste it on the blackboard. Everybody look at he PPT. The answer is rice! You are right. After pasting all the cards on the blackboard, ask students to listen carefully, and then read the words at random, and after saying it for the first lime, ask some of them to come to the blackboard to show me right order to the students. T: Listen to me carefully, hamburger, Sandwich, tea, rice,cake. Ok, Who can come to the blackboard and show me the right order? Ok, you Please. T: Right, let’s have a check. The order is:hamburger, sandwich, tea, rice, cake. 【设计意图】 利用一个猜谜游戏来检验学生是否真的掌握了所学的新知识,同时也起到了巩固作用。 ② Role-Play Write the foods and drinks on a paper, and use it as a menu. Teacher acts as the waiter, Students act as the guest. Teacher makes dialogue with students. T: What would you like to eat? S: I’d like a sandwich. After making the dialogue with the students, ask them to practice the sentences with their partner, and then ask some of them to show it to the class. 【设计意图】 设计情景表演的活动,可以很好地帮助学生记忆新知识,同时也可以锻炼学生的英语口语表达能力。