共用题干 The City PlanningIn the past,cities usually grew in a disorderly way be...

admin2020-12-24  19

问题 共用题干
The City Planning

In the past,cities usually grew in a disorderly way because few cities were built according to a plan.In the late 1 800s,the idea of a"beautiful city"came into_______(51).People felt that a city should have wide street,parks,and a civic centre.People_______(52)to realize that cities need to be planned.
In the first part of the 1900s,cities began to_______(53)zoning laws.Zoning laws say what kind of building can be put up in different parts of a city.A factory cannot be put up on land _______(54)for apartments.Apartments,_______(55),cannot be built on land for houses.
Meanwhile,cities were growing rapidly and changing almost_______(56).They faced many problems.Sometimes the streets in a city caused traffic_______(57).Sometimes there were not enough schools or hospitals for all the people who needed them. As people moved_______(58)to new areas of the city,older parts of town often became run-down.
At first,citizens_______(59)groups that tried to solve the problems a city faced.Today, most large cities have city planning board_______(60)part of their city government. On the board are city_______(61)who have special training. Many of them have college_______(62)in city planning. They must know how a city's land can be_______(63)used.They_______(64)new areas of the city and decide how to improve older_______(65).City planing boards help the city meet the needs of all the people who live there.

选项 _________(54)


解析come into being为固定搭配,意思是“形成、产生”,例如:When did the Great Britain come into being?英国是何时形成的?原文是“美丽城市”的理念应运而生,因此选C。
根据上下文判断,随着美丽城市理念的诞生,人们开始意识到城市需要被规划。come有“开始”的意思。所以此处选C最合适,其他各项均不合题意。fail失败, incline 和tend都有“倾向于”的意思。
空缺处需要填的是过去分词引导的定语从句,省略了which be。这里指的是被划分出来建公寓的地区不能盖工厂,zone更合适,意思是“将……划为特殊区域”。
traffic jam意思是“交通堵塞”,较之选项B,选项A更符合常理,即城市里的街道会造成交通堵塞。
只有form最适合和后面的group搭配使用。form意为“组成”,例如:The two parties formed a coalition.两个政党组成了联合政府。本句意思是“市民们组成了试图解决城市面临的问题的团体”。
逻辑题。on the board意思是“委员会里”。前面提到大多数城市都有了 city planning board即“城市规划委员会”,那么委员会里必然有城市规划师,所以A正确。
best这里是副词,意思是“最好地,最高标准地”,比较carefully (小心地), suitably(合适地)以及cleverly(聪明地),选项B更为合适。原句意思是“这些城市规划师必须知道如何才能以最好的方式使用城市里的土地”。
lay out为固定搭配,意思是“规划,设计”。例如:When the local governments lay out the car parks, they must estimate the numbers of cars in these districts.当地方政府规划停车场时,他们必须先估计市区里的汽车数量。原文是“他们规划城市的新地区”。
这里的意思是“他们……决定如何来提升一个老城区”。section除了有 “部分”的意思外还指“(城市等的)地区,(街区等的)地段”。square意为“广场”,division意为“部分”,centers意为“中心”。