Back in 1979, a fat, unhealthy property

tikufree2020-05-20  14

问题 Back in 1979, a fat, unhealthy property developer, Mel Zuckerman, and his exercise-fanatic wife, Enid, opened Canyon Ranch, “America’s first total vacation/fitness resort”, on an old dude ranch in Tucson, Arizona. At the time, their outdoorsy, new age-ish venture seemed highly eccentric. Today Canyon Ranch is arguably the premium health-spa brand of choice for the super-rich. It is growing fast and now operates in several places, including the Queen Mary 2. (1)________________.  “There is a new market category called wellness lifestyle, and in a whole range of industries, if you are not addressing that category you are going to find it increasingly hard to stay in business,” enthuses Kevin Kelly, Canyon Ranch’s president. This broad new category, Mr. Kelly goes on, “consolidates a lot of subcategories” including spas, traditional medicine and alternative medicine, behavioural therapy, spirituality, fitness, nutrition and beauty. (2)________________ “You can no longer satisfy the consumer with just fitness, just medical, just spa,” says Mr. Kelly.  Canyon Ranch’s strategy reflects this belief. (3) ________________ . This year in Miami Beach it will open the first of what it expects to be many upmarket housing estates built around a spa, called Canyon Ranch Living. Together with the Cleveland Clinic, one of the world’s leading private providers of traditional medicine, it is launching an “executive health” product which combines diagnosis, treatment and, above all, prevention. It also has plans to produce food and skin-care products, a range of clothes and healthy-living educational materials.  (4)________________. Mr. Case reckons that one of the roots of today’s health-care crisis, especially in America, is that prevention and care are not suitably joined up. A growing number of employers now promote wellness at work, both to cut costs and to reduce stress and health-related absenteeism, says Jon Denoris of Catalyst Health, a gym business in London. He has been helping the British arm of Harley Davidson, a motorbike-maker, to develop a wellness programme for its workers.  The desire to reduce health-care costs is one force behind the rise of the wellness industry; the other is the growing demand from consumers for things that make them feel healthier. Surveys find that three out of four adult Americans now feel that their lives are “out of balance”, says Mr. Kelly. So there is a huge opportunity to offer them products and services that make them feel more “balanced”. This represents a big change in consumer psychology, claims Mr. Kelly, and one that is likely to deepen over time: market research suggests that 35-year-olds have a much stronger desire to lead healthy lifestyles than 65-year-olds.  (5)________________. Another will be to maintain credibility in (and for) an industry that combines serious science with snake oil. One problem—or is it an opportunity? —in selling wellness products to consumers is that some of the things they demand may be faddish or nonsensical. Easy fixes, such as new-age therapies, may appeal to them more than harder but proven ways to improve health.  One of Canyon Ranch’s answers to this problem has been to hire Richard Carmona, who was America’s surgeon-general until last summer. In that role, he moved prevention and wellness nearer to the centre of public-health policy. The last time a surgeon-general ventured into business, it ended disastrously: during the internet bubble, Everett Koop launched, a medical-information site that went bust shortly after going public and achieving a market capitalisation of over $1 billion. This time around, the wellness boom seems unlikely to suffer such a nasty turn for the worse.  (此文选自The Economist 2007年刊)  [A] It is expanding a brand built on $1,000-a-night retreats for the rich and famous in several different directions.  [B] Mr. Zuckerman, now a trim and sprightly 78-year-old, remains chairman of the firm.  [C] There is growing evidence that focusing holistically on wellness can reduce health-care costs by emphasizing prevention over treatment.  [D] One difficulty for wellness firms will be acquiring the expertise to operate in several different areas of the market.  [E] It is also one of the leading lights in “wellness”, an increasingly mainstream—and profitable—business.  [F] As more customers demand a holistic approach to feeling well, firms that have hitherto specialised in only one or two of those areas are now facing growing market pressure to broaden their business.  [G] And there is much debate about the health benefits of vitamin supplements, organic food and alternative medicines, let alone different forms of spirituality.



解析1. E 本文以一对美国夫妇开办的度假/健身庄园引领了美国健康休闲生活的新潮流开头,在第二段首句讲到一种新型的wellness lifestyle,可见空缺处内容该引出文章话题。因此,作为文章开头段落,应该出现与下文主题词相关的内容,承上启下。其中[D]、E均可作为备选,E中的It和第一段末句中的It都是指代度假村,且also与前文一起表示并列关系,所以选E。此处可能会误选B,前文虽提到Zuckeman与妻子创建的新型公司,但是第二段主要讲健康产业的扩展问题,与Zuckeman 无关,所以排除。2. F 第二段主要通过引用Kevin Kelly的言论,讲诉他正致力于扩展休闲活动的范围和形式(broad new category, sub-categories)。在选项F中firms that … broaden their business. 正是在论述如何扩展市场,以及扩展更多的休闲形式的压力,这能够和上文很好的衔接,所以F正确。3. A 此空位于首句之后,首句意为“凯利的这一观念在其战略中得到了验证”。空后具体讲他将怎样实施其战略来开拓市场。由文章逻辑结构可知,空缺处也该是对首句中心句的阐述。A谈到该公司正在采取措施,朝数个不同方向拓展自己的品牌,实施其设想战略,连接上文,所以A正确。4. C 段首空缺,前文是具体描述其战略措施,由下文分析the roots of today’s health-care crisis是因为prevention and care没有恰当地结合可知,此空缺处应为一个过渡句,即下文将要分析这种现象流行的原因。C项中讲到通过强调预防重于治疗,关注身心整体健康的做法能够降低医疗成本,其中“prevention and treatment”与下句中prevention相呼应,并与下句意思形成对比,解释了这种度假村能够流行的社会原因,所以C正确。5. D 有本段空格后Another will be…可知答案和后文构成并列关系,D中的0ne difficulty for wellness firms与后句中的another 形成one…another…并列结构。所以选D。