共用题干 Chinese Dialects(方言)The enormous d

Freeti2019-12-17  15

问题 共用题干Chinese Dialects(方言)

The enormous differences in Chinese dialects have been a continuing problem ever since China became an empire in 221 B.C.,and it is one big reason why the country has remained impoverished (贫穷).Of the 600 million people,all but a very small number speak Chinese. But the dialects vary so widely that the speech of Peking,for example,is as different from the speech of Canton as English is from German.
There is,to be sure,only one written language for all China,but it bears no phonetic(语音的)relationship to any of the spoken dialects.Moreover,it has so many symbols that only a tiny portion of the population has ever mastered it.
As a result,most Chinese have been isolated for centuries from a free flow of ideas and from the economic progress that such a flow produces.Many dynasties tried with little success to break down the wall. After recognizing the importance of having a literate people for working in a technological world and for developing an effective propaganda(宣传)machine,the present government is putting everything it has into tackling the language problem. But the obstacles are so formidable(难以应付的)that the results cannot yet be predicted.
At the heart of the problem is the dialects.The dialects prevented the evolution of a single written language based on phonetics.Instead,the Chinese were forced to develop a system that has no relation to sound,and they have clung to it for more than 3,000 years.When this system is applied to a whole language,it results in an overwhelming number of symbols.
There are about 50,000 entries in a Chinese dictionary not counting the compounds(复合词). In order to be literate,a Chinese must learn 6,000;to be moderately educated,12,000.An English-speaking child,having to conquer only a twenty-six-letter alphabet,has usually learned to read by the time he begins the third grade.A Chinese child needs at least five more years of elementary learning;in the seventh grade,he can barely read a Chinese newspaper.

选项 Paragraph 1______A:Dealing with the Problem of Various DialectsB:Difficulties in Learning ChineseC:Features of Chinese DialectsD:Differences in Chinese DialectsE:Dialects as Heart of the ProblemF: Ways of the Government to Tackle the Problem


解析本题考查的是对所读材料大意与主旨的掌握。本段主要讲中国方言之间有巨大的差异,第一句话就是本段的主题句。另外,该段还举出北京话与广东话之间差别的例子。故选D。 本题考查的是对所读材料大意与主旨的掌握以及抽象概括能力。本段谈到语言问题阻碍了思想与经济的交流,历朝政府都想解决这一问题。当前政府已经认识到解决语言问题的重要性,投入全力来对付。所以,该段的主题是tackling the language problem,.tackling的意思就是选项A的dealing with,故选A。 本题考查的是对所读材料大意与主旨的掌握。本段讲到关键问题是方言,方言使单一的书面语无法同读音相联系,中国人只好创立了一套与发音无关的系统,这造成了繁多的字符。可见问题的核心是方言。故选E。 本题考查的同样是对所读材料大意与主旨的掌握。本段讲汉字繁多,难于掌握,对比了中国孩子与讲英语的孩子学习阅读的进度,反衬出汉语之难学。故选B。 本题考查的是对文章的主旨与细节的了解。本题答案的依据在第一段的第一句话。该句说这个国家(中国)之所以长期贫穷,一个重要原因是中国各地方言差别太大 ( the enormous differences in Chinese dialects)。故选C。 本题考查的是对文章的主旨与细节的了解。本题答案的依据在第四段的第二句。在作者看来,方言的繁多使中国不能发展出一套以音节为基础的单一书面语,故选A。 本题考查的是对文章的主旨与细节的了解。本题答案的依据在第四段的二、三、四句。正因为中国不能发展出一套以音节为基础的单一书面语,语言系统与发音无关,这就势必造成大量字符的出现。最后一句话中的results in就是“导致”的意思。倒数第二句则说明了原因。故选D。 本题考查的是对文章的主旨与细节的了解以及抽象概括能力。本题与上面的第26题有联系,答案的依据在最后一段。该段举出中外儿童学习阅读的进度对比的例子,所给数据显示,中国孩子在学习母语时要比外国孩子掌握更多的生词。这就是作者认为的二者的不同之处。故选B。