This kind of fish are on the verge of extinction,because so many are being ki...

admin2020-12-24  14

问题 This kind of fish are on the verge of extinction,because so many are being killed for their fins.

选项 A:drying up       
B:dying out
C:being exported
D:being transplanted


解析本句话的意思是:“由于被人们大量捕杀以获取鱼翅,这种鱼濒临灭绝。” extinction:灭绝。dry up:硒干、枯竭,例如:The river may dry up one day if being polluted.如果被污染,那条河流终有一天会干涸。die out:灭绝,例如:How did the dinosaurs die out? 恐龙是如何灭绝的?export:出口,例如:We now export all kinds of industrial products.我们现在出口各种工业产品。transplant:移植,例如:Some plants do not transplant well.有些植物不宜移植。