共用题干 Science and Truth“FINAGLE”(欺骗)is n

Loveyou2019-12-17  12

问题 共用题干Science and Truth
“FINAGLE”(欺骗)is not a word that most people associate with science. One reason is that the image of the scientist is of one who always______ (51)data in an impartial(不偏不倚的)search for truth. In any debate______ ( 52 ) intelligence , schooling , energy—the phrase“science says”usually disarms opposition.
But scientists have long acknowledged the existence of a“finagle factor”—a tendency by many scientists to give a helpful change to the data to______(53)desired results.The latest of the finagle factor in action comes from Stephen Jay Gould,a Harvard biologist,who has ______(54)the important 19th century work of Dr. Samuel George Morton.Morton was fa-mous in his time for analysing the brain______(55)of the skulls as a measure of intelligence.
He concluded that whites had the largest brains,that the brains of Indians and blacks were smaller,and______(56),that whites constitute a superior race.
Gould went back to Morton's original data and concluded that the______(57)were an example of the finagle at work .He found that Morton's“discovery”was made by leaving out embarrassing data,______(58)incorrect procedures,and changing his criteria-again,always in fayour of his argument. Morton has been thoroughly discredited by now and scientists do not believe that brain size reflects______(59).
But Gould went on to say Morton's story is only an example of a common problem in ______(60)work .Some of the leading figures in science are______(61)to have used the finagle factor. Gould says that Isaac Newton fudged out(捏造)to support at least three central statements that he could not prove .And so______(62)Laudius Ptolemy,the Greek astronomer,whose master work,Almagest,summed up the case for a solar system that had the earth asits centre .Recent______(63)indicate that Ptolemy either faked some key data or resorted heavily to the finagle factor.
All this is important because the finagle factor is still at work.For example,in the artificial sweetener controversy,it is______(64)that all the studies sponsored by the sugar industry find that the artificial sweetener is unsafe,______(65)all the studies sponsored by the diet food industry find nothing wrong with it.

选项 51._________A:. collectsB: inventsC: misusesD: enables


解析收集数据用动词collect, invent和enable不能和data搭配,misuse虽可以和data搭配,但意思讲不通。 对……产生争论,debate后面用over,属固定搭配。其他几个选项均不能这样用。 取得结果,可以说acquire results,其他几个选项意思讲不通。 examine the work,审查(研究)了……的著作。examine在这里的意思是“审查”。 written和produced虽然也可和work搭配,但结合上下文,逻辑上讲不通,created一般不和work搭配使用。 size表示“大小”,这里指大脑的大小,因为问题提到智力与大脑大小的关系,所以这里选A。 从前后逻辑来看,这里的意思应该是“因为,所以”,只有选项D才有这个意思,所以选D。 Gould重复了Morton的数据,没有得出与此一致的结果,“结果”用results表示,其他几个选项意思与原文不符。 procedure的意思是“程序、过程”,“采用……程序或过程”,用动词use,所以选项C 为正确答案。 此句的意思是说大脑的大小并不代表智力水平,而不是其他,因为通篇都在谈大脑与智力的问题,所以选C。 这里只能从上下文的意思去判断,scientific work指科学工作,其他几个选项虽可以和work搭配,但意思讲不通。 这里是被动语态,从搭配上来讲都说得过去,但意思上只有选项B才说得通。 句子前面有so,把句子后面助动词提前是倒装句,本句时态为一般过去时,所以应将did提前,故选D。 此题也必须在读懂上下文意思的基拙上才能做出判断,因为recent可以和四个选项搭配。从上下文判断,这里指的是研究方面的进展情况,故选A。 此处在陈述一个事实,用it is said that这种结构。 最后一句为并列句,只有while为并列连词,其他几个词不能这样用。故选B。