乙公司2017年度的财务报表以及财务报表附注中披露的相关信息如下:   (1)资产负债表部分项目(单位:万元) (2)2017的营业收入为2000...

admin2020-12-24  22

问题 乙公司2017年度的财务报表以及财务报表附注中披露的相关信息如下:




解析(1)速动比率=(800+200+2600)/2400=1.5(1分)   乙公司按照应收票据及应收账款余额的5%计提坏账准备,2017年年末账龄三年以上的应收票据及应收账款已达到应收票据及应收账款余额的10%,说明实际坏账很可能比计提的坏账准备多,从而降低乙公司的短期偿债能力。(1分)   (2)利息保障倍数=(300+150+100)/(150+180)=1.67(1分)   现金流量利息保障倍数=400/(150+180)=1.21(1分)   评价长期偿债能力时,现金流量利息保障倍数比利息保障倍数更可靠,因为实际用以支付利息的是现金,而不是利润。(1分)   (3)应收账款周转次数=20000/[2600+(140+160)/2]=7.27(次)(1分)   计算应收账款周转次数时理论上应使用赊销额,由于无法取得赊销数据而使用营业收入计算时,会高估应收账款周转次数。乙公司2017年减少了赊销客户比例,现销比例增大,会进一步高估应收账款变现速度。(2分)   Answer: (5points)   (1) Current ratio=(800+200+2100+500)/2400=1.5   Company B shall make provision for bad debts based on 5% of the balance of receivable bills and accounts receivable. At the end of 2017, the receivable bills and accounts receivable over three years of age have reached 10% of the balance of receivable bills and accounts receivable, which indicates that the actual bad debts are likely to be more than the provision for bad debts, thus reducing the short-term solvency of Company B.   (2) Interest coverage ratio=(300+150+100)/(150+180)=1.67   Cash flow interest coverage ratio=400/(150+180)=1.21   When evaluating long-term solvency, the cash flow interest coverage ratio is more reliable than the interest coverage ratio, because the actual interest payment is made by cash, not profit.   (3) Account receivable turnover =20000/[2600+(140+160)/2]=7.27   When calculating the accounts receivable turnover, credit sales should be used theoretically. The accounts receivable turnover will be overestimated, if the gross sales is used to calculate, because the sales data is not available. In 2017, Company B reduced the proportion of credit customers and increased the proportion of cash sales, which will further overestimate the liquidation rate of accounts receivable.