The bus came to an abrupt stop,making us

恬恬2019-12-17  21

问题 The bus came to an abrupt stop,making us wonder where we were.

选项 A:noisy        B:suddenC:slow        D:jumpy


解析本句话的意思是:“公共汽车突然刹车,搞得我们晕头转向。”abrupt:突然、猛然。noisy:吵闹的,例如:His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings.他的女儿上午的时候非常好动,吵吵闹闹的。sudden:突然,例如:All of a sudden it started to rain.天空突然下起了雨。slow:缓慢的,例如:After the flood there was a slow return to normality.水灾后,情况慢慢恢复正常。jumpy:坐立不安的,例如:It was beginning to make him very jumpy.这使他开始感到心神不安。