It seems quite clearly unjust to pay two people different amounts of money fo...

admin2020-12-24  12

问题 It seems quite clearly unjust to pay two people different amounts of money for doing the same work. But it is not as easy as it appeals at first ( 1 ) to introduce equal pay for equal work.Two people may be working side by side in a factory and doing the same work, but one may be doing it twice as fast as the ( 2 ) ;or one may be making no mistakes, while the other is making a lot. In some kinds of work, one can solve the problem of speed if one pays by the amount of work to be done and not by the hour: work paid for in this ( 3 ) is called piece-work. But it is not always possible to do this, so it is sometimes useful to pay workers at different rates, which take differences in skill into ( 4 ) . This usually means that the younger and therefore less experienced worker gets less than the_( 5 ) and more experienced one, which seems reasonable enough.

选项 A. other
B. sight
C. older
D. way
E. account


解析干同样活的两个人得到的却是不同的酬金,这看起来似乎很不公平。但是同劳同酬的引入起初并不是那么简单。 两个人可能在一个工厂里肩并肩做同样的工作,其中一个以同样的速度但要做两次,或是其中一个没有出错而另一个出了很多错。有些类型的工作,人们可以解决速度问题,如果是按工作总量算而不是按时间算。这种方式叫做计件工。但是并不是任何时候这种方式都行得通, 有时还是需要按速度来算酬金,把技术的娴熟程度考虑进去。这就意味着越年轻、经历越少的 工人比更年长的、经历丰富的工人挣得更少。这看起来很合理。