Most U.S. businesses, large or small, be

书海库2020-05-20  42

问题 Most U.S. businesses, large or small, belong to what is called the private enterprise system. 1)This means simply that firms operate in a dynamic environment where success or failure is determined by how well they match and counter the offerings of competitors. Competition is the battle among businesses for consumer acceptance. 2)Sales and profits are the yardsticks by which such acceptance is measured.3)The business world has abundant examples of firms that were once successful but that failed to continue satisfying consumer demands.Competition assures that, over the long run, firms that satisfy consumer demands will be successful and those that do not will be replaced.  The private enterprise system requires that firms continually adjust their strategies, product offerings, service standards, operating procedures, and the like. 4)Otherwise the competition will gain higher shares of an industry’s sales and profits.Consider the following cases. A & P was long the largest supermarket chain. Now Safeway is the largest, and A & P is attempting a recovery. Ford once was the dominant automaker. Today, it is second to General Motors, among domestic producers. These events suggest the dynamic environment of the private enterprise system.  5)Competition is a critical mechanism for guaranteeing that the private enterprise system will continue to provide the goods and services that make for high living standards and sophisticated life styles.Few organizations that offer a product or service can escape the influence of competition. The American Cancer Society competes for contributions with the American Heart Association, your own college, and other nonprofit enterprises. The armed forces compete in the labor market with private employers. Even the U.S. Postal Service faces competition. United Parcel Service competes for package shipments. Express Mail faces competition from Western Union’s mailgrams. And firms like The Mailbox, which rents post office boxes in the Seattle area, compete for the post-office-box business.



解析(1)简言之,这里指的是各公司在一种动态环境里运作,在其中,企业的成败取决于它与竞争对手提供的产品对抗的结果如何。  【解析】本句是一个主从复合句。This没有实际意义,可将This means simply译为“简言之”。where 引导的定语从句修饰environment,由于本句的定语从句较长,这里将其处理成状语,意为“在这种环境中”。为使句子意思表达明确,这里需增译“企业”。“a dynamic environment”表示“动态环境”,“be determined by”的意思是“取决于”。“how well”引导名词从句作宾语。(2)销售额和利润是对这一接受程度做出评估的衡量标准。  【解析】本句是一个简单句,为主系表结构。介词+which引导定语从句修饰表语yardstick,翻译时根据汉语习惯,将定语前置。“be measured by”表示“由…评估”。yardstick原是“尺码”的意思,这里根据具体应用环境将其译为“衡量(或评价)标准”。(3)生意兴隆一时,其后却不能继续跟上消费者需求的步伐,这类事例在商界比比皆是。  【解析】句中that引导的定语从句修饰firms,两个that引导的从句由but连接表转折。由于本句的定语较长,因此采用分译法,翻译时先译出定语从句部分的内容,最后说明主体。“fail to”表示“未能…”。“continue doing”的意思是“继续跟上”。(4) 否则,竞争成本将会在企业销售额和利润中占据更高份额。  【解析】Otherwise表示对上文内容的转折。higher作形容词比较级表示“更高”的意思。“an industry’s sales and profits”译为“企业销售额和利润”。此处需增译“成本”,以便和后面的sales和profits表述一致。(5)为了确保私人企业制继续为促进生活水平的提高和生活方式的优化提供商品和服务,竞争是一项必不可少的手段。  【解析】本句结构较复杂,句子主干是Competition is a critical mechanism。其中第一个that是引导宾语从句,第二个that引导定语从句修饰the goods and services。“for guaranteeing”介词短语可理解为目的状语,说明竞争的作用,根据汉语习惯,翻译时应将状语提前。“make for”表示“有利于,促进”。