
免费考试题库2020-05-20  43

问题 A公司是一家生产企业,其财务分析采用改进的管理用财务报表分析体系,该公司2014年、2015年改进的管理用财务报表相关历史数据如下: 单位:万元续表

选项 要求: (1)假设A公司上述资产负债表的年末金额可以代表全年平均水平,请分别计算A公司2014年、2015年的净经营资产净利率、经营差异率、杠杆贡献率和权益净利率; (2)利用因素分析法,按照净经营资产净利率差异、税后利息率差异和净财务杠杆差异的顺序,定量分析2015年权益净利率各驱动因素相比上年权益净利率变动的影响程度 (以百分数表示);


解析(1)2014年: 净经营资产净利率=294/2100×100%=14% 税后利息率=36/600×100%=6% 经营差异率=14%-6%=8% 杠杆贡献率=8%×(600/1500)=3.2% 权益净利率=14%+3.2%=17.2% 2015年: 净经营资产净利率=495/3300×100%=15% 税后利息率=45/900×100%=5% 经营差异率=15%-5%=10% 杠杆贡献率=10%×(900/2400)=3.75% 权益净利率=15%+3.75%=18.75% (2)替换净经营资产净利率:15%+(15%-6%)×(600/1500)=18.6% 替换税后利息率:15%+(15%-5%)×(600/1500)=19% 替换净财务杠杆:15%+(15%-5%)×(900/2400)=18.75% 净经营资产净利率提高对权益净利率的影响=18.6%-17.2%=1.4% 税后利息率下降对权益净利率的影响=19%-18.6%=0.4% 净财务杠杆下降对权益净利率的影响=18.75%-19%=-0.25% 2015年权益净利率-2014年权益净利率=18.75%-17.2%=1.55% 综上可知:净经营资产净利率提高使得权益净利率提高1.4%,税后利息率下降使得权益净利率提高0.4%,净财务杠杆下降使得权益净利率下降0.25%。三者共同影响使得2015年权益净利率比2014年权益净利率提高1.55%。 2016年税后经营净利率至少达到9.27%才能实现权益净利率为30%的目标。 English answers: (1)Year2014: Net operating asset profit margin=294/2100×100%=14% Interest rate after tax=36/600×100%=6% Operating differential rate=14%-6%=8% Leverage contributing ratio=8%×(600/1500)=3.2% Rate of return on equity=14%+3.2%=17.2% Year 2015: Net operating asset profit margin=495/3300×100%=15% Interest rate after tax=45/900×100%=5% Operating differential rate=15%-5%=10% Leverage contributing ratio=10%×(900/2400)=3.75% Rate of retum on equity=15%+3.75%=18.75% (2)Replacement of net operating asset profit margin:15%+(15%-6%)×(600/1500) =18.6% Replacement of interest rate after tax:15%+(15%-5%)×(600/1500)=19% Replacement of net financial leverage:15%+(15%-5%)×(900/2400)=18.75% The effect of rate of return on equity due to the increase in net operating asset profit margin=18.6%-l7.2%=1.4% The effect of rate of return on equity due to the decrease in interest rate after tax=19%-l8.6%=0.4% The effect of rate of return on equity due to the decrease in net financial leverage=18.75%-19%=-0.25% rate of retum on equity(2015)-rate of return on equity(2014)=18.75%-l7.2%=1.55% Above all。the increase of net operating asset profit margin makes a l.4%rise in rate of return on equity.the decrease of interest rate after tax makes a 0.4%decline in rate of return on equity,and the decrease of net financial leverage makes a decline in rate of return on equity.The overall effect makes the rate of return on equity increase by l.55%in 2015 compared in 2014.