The high-speed trains can have a major i

Loveyou2019-12-17  14

问题 The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences.

选项 A:force        B:influenceC:surprise        D:power


解析高铁对人们选择出行方式有很大的影响。influence“影响”,例如:the influence of parents on their children父母对孩子的影响。force“力量”,例如:Is religion a force for good?宗教是诱导人们积德行善的力量吗? surprise“惊讶”,例如:His coming home is a great surprise for the whole family.他回家了,这让全家人都很吃惊。power“权力”,例如:The powers of the police need to be clearly defined.必须对警方的权限作出明确的规定。只有influence意思上和impact最接近。