设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节课的教学方案。教案没有固定格? 式.但须包含下列要点:? teaching objectives t...
设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节课的教学方案。教案没有固定格? 式.但须包含下列要点:? teaching objectives t...
teaching objectives
teaching contents
key and difficult points
major steps and time allocation
activities and justifications
The original Olympic Games were part of an important religious festival to honor the Greek gods, especially Zeus. They were held in a valley in Olympia every four years and men from all the Greek city states attended. Women did not compete in the games or even attend. The first record of the Olympic Games dates from 778 BC, but they were probably established hundreds of years before that.
At first there was only one competition in the games--a 200m foot race. The distance was based on a myth about the hero Hercules who was said to have run this distance in one breath. At later Olympics other events were introduced, including a 365 meter and a 5 kilometer race, boxing and wreathing, chariot races and the pentathlon jumping, running, javelin, discus and wrestling.
Athletes came to Olympia to train full-time for 10 months. Before they were allowed to compete, they were examined by a committee of 10 men to make sure they were of good character and physically fit. All wars between cities had to stop for the five days of the games.
The prize for the winners was a crown made from an olive tree branch, but with a gold handled knife from a seared tree. The olive branch was believed to give the athlete great strength and health. The winner gave public thanks to Zeus and to his city or district. Winners were believed to have gained the favor of the gods.
【参考设计】 Class Type: Speaking and writing class, lperiod Teaching Contents: This lesson contains some new words and descriptions of history of Olympic Games. Teaching Objectives: (1) Knowledge objective ①Students can understand the passage and speak out their thoughts about the Olympic Games. ②Students can master writing skills of describing some sport activities. (2) Ability objective After the study, students are able to describe the Olympic Games and express it in written form. (3) Emotional objective Students can develop the habit of loving sports. Teaching Key Points: The key point is how to make students understand this passage and express their ideas about the Olympic Games. Teaching Difficult Points: The difficult points is how to describe a game. Teaching Aids: Multimedia Screen, a calendar, flash cards Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up (5 minutes) Teacher will show some pictures of Olympics on the muhimedia screen, and ask students to answer what games they are. (Justification: This step will help students review words and knowledge points of Olympic Games.) Step 2 Presentation (30 minutes) Task 1 Speaking Students will be divided into 8 groups, and to discuss the topic"Olympic Games", and to make clear of the name, sports etc. After 10 minutes, 2 students need to present their work, and other groups will give them a score of 1-10 to evaluate the design of other groups. Teacher will go and look over each group, to make sure that every student is involved during the discussion. While students are presenting in class, teacher will write some common mistakes on the blackboard to correct thegn when presentation is finished. Teacher will calculate the scores and declare which group won the contest. Then praise words will be given to them. (Justification: This step is the main one in this lesson. The activity will ensure all the students will have chances to speak and listen. All the mistakes can be corrected in class so that students won't do them again.) Task 2 Writing Students will still stay in the group to write a brochure to demonstrate their sport activities by using the expressions such as"You must/should/could/can/might/would/would have to/need". Teacher will go and give some guidance. Representatives will show their work in class and to be evaluated by other groups after 10 minutes. Teacher will correct all the mistakes appeared in the process and declare the winner. (Justification: Students will be in team to finish the work, and it' s a consolidation step of speaking part. It also helps students to write a brochure, and students get a chance to practice organizing a sport activity as well.) Step 3 Summary and Homework (10 minutes) The teacher will ask Group 2 to introduce Group l's games briefly, and Group 3 will introduce Group 2's, and the same to the others. Homework is to write a brochure to introduce the Olympic Games that you think the best one. (Justification: Students can practice speaking in summary part, and practice writing in their homework. ) Blackboard Design: The Ancient Olympic Games Speaking: Discuss the topic "Olympic Games" Writing: Describe a sport activity Teaching Reflection.
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