On the Net Friends Come and Go, Talking of... Theyoung woman was visibly (1)...

admin2020-12-24  22

问题 On the Net Friends Come and Go, Talking of...
Theyoung woman was visibly (1)A. satisfiedB. friendlyC. movedD. upset and clearly wanted to get something off her chest.
"What's up?" I (2)A. complainedB. explainedC. inquiredD. argued .
"I've just been defi-iended," she said.
Now "defriended" is a word (3)A. with whichB. in whichC. whichD. that I am not familiar. I have been befriended (4)A. onB. byC. withD. in .many people since arriving in Beijing. But defriended? It turns (5)A. aboutB. outC. aroundD. in this is a new word created by the Internet-smart younger generation specifically in relation to the worldwide social networking phenomenon, Facebook.
Those who join can invite friends to become members of the site, (6)A. tooB. eitherC. yetD. neither . They can then share photographs, "chat", exchange messages and observations and perform a host of other mutually accessible applications.
I've seen some people (7)A. exaggeratingB. overstatingC. boastingD. showing about hundreds of friends by a fiber optic cable (光缆) ,providing they are logged on to their computers or hooked up to a high-spec cell phone.
It creates the possibility of "befriending" 'anyone in the world who has online access.Currently, Facebook has 150 million users. That means there's a lot of"friends" out there.
The (8)A. benefitB. advantageC. downsideD. merit is that you can be "defriended" -- you can be denied access to the Facebook site someone who had previously invited to be his or her friend. And you can do it without the potential for instant recrimination (反控告) .
Where once, in the school playground, one child might have angrily shouted (9)A. atB. inC. onD. farward another, "I'm not going to be your fried any more", The same hurt and loss of face can be performed remotely with the chick of a button.
A (10)A. neutralB. controversialC. astonishingD. remarkable aspect of "defriending" is that it is (11)A. excitingB. boringC. cheerfulD. bright ., dull and desperate, because no message is sent out alerting you or your contacts about the changing status. You only find out you have (12)A. been dumpedB. dumpedC. being dumpedD. dumping . when you try to visit a "friend's" site, and you find you can no longer get in. The delay of the discovery is all too often doubly hurtful.
Just as bombs are sent (13)A. forwardB. forC. intoD. against an unseen enemy in modem warfare, (14)A. andB. sinceC. soD. but relationships are blown out of the window with the same disregard(忽视,不尊重), without the risk of any face-to-face comeback. One second you are there, (15)A. the nextB. the firstC. a firstD. a next you are deleted.


答案【D. upset】|【C. inquired】|【A. with which】|【C. with】|【B. out】|【A. too】|【C. boasting】|【C. downside】|【A. at】|【B. controversial】|【B. boring】|【A. been dumped】|【D. against】|【C. so】|【A. the next】|

解析本题考查形容词。句意:这个年轻的女士明显地____。四个选项,satisfied意为“满意的”,friendly意为“友好的”,moved意为“感动的”,upset意为“心烦的,难过的”,从下文的“I've just been defriended”可以确认D是正确答案。 (2) 解析:本题考查动词。句意:我 “你怎么啦”。四个选项,complain意为“抱怨”,explain意为“解释”,inquire意为“询问”,argue意为“争论”,分别代入原文显然C是正确答案。 (3) 解析:本题考查定语从句。句意:现在“defriended”(被删除好友)是一个我不熟悉的词。这里be familiar with“对……熟悉”,所以A为正确答案。 (4) 解析:本题考查搭配。句意:我已经和许多人成为好友。befriend with“与……交朋友”。 (5) 解析:本题考查固定短语。句意:____这是个新词。四个选项,tum about意为“转身,转变”,rum out意为“结果是”,tum around意为“转身”,rum in意为“上交”,分别代入后可知B是最佳答案。 (6) 解析:本题考查逻辑关系。句意:那些加入的人也可以邀请其朋友成为网站的成员。too放在句尾表示“也”:yet放在句尾也表示“还,但是”;either放在句尾也表示“也”,但是用在否定句中;neither一般不放在句尾。 (7) 解析:本题考查动词。句意:我见过一些人____通过网络交到的成百上千的朋友。四个选项,exaggerate意为“夸张,夸大”,overstate意为“夸张,夸大”,boast意为“炫耀,以……自豪”,show意为“展示”,分别代入原文显然C是正确答案。 (8) 解析:本题考查逻辑。句意:____就是你会被删除好友,这样你就不能登录曾经这位朋友的facebook了。四个选项,benefit意为“好处,益处”,advantage意为“优势”,downside 意为“下滑,损失”,merit意为“优点,价值”,分别代入原文可知C最符合语境。 (9) 解析:本题考查固定搭配,shout at意为“朝……大喊”。句意:曾经在操场上,一个小孩会对另外一个小孩大喊。 (10) 解析:本题考查形容词。句意:删除好友的____一面就是它是____、无聊的和绝望的,因为没有通知你或朋友状态改变的信息。四个选项,neutral意为“中立的,中性的”,controversial意为“有争议的”,astonishing意为“令人吃惊的”,remarkable意为“显著的,卓越的”,分别代入原文可知B比较符合语境。 (11) 解析:本题考查形容词。句意:句意:删除好友的有争议的一面就是它是____、单调的和绝望的。显然这里要填入的词与dull和desperate应该为近义词。四个选项,exciting意为“兴奋的”,boring意为“无聊的,单调的”,cheerful意为0J喻快的”,bright意为“明亮的”,显然知B比较符合语境。 (12) 解析:本题考查时态。句意:当你试图访问朋友的网站时,你发现你已经被删除了。从语境来看,这里应该用完成时态和被动语态,所以A为正确答案。 (13) 解析:本题考查介词。句意:正如网络战中,炸弹被扔出去打击看不见的敌人一样,____关系也被同样不尊重地扔出了窗外。选项D在这里的意思为“反对”,所以比较符合语境。 (14) 解析:本题考查逻辑关系。句意:正如网络战中,炸弹被扔出去打击看不见的敌人一样,____关系也被同样不尊重地扔出了窗外。.这两个从句之间是因果关系,因此使用表示因果关系的连词so。“just as…so…”是个固定短语“正如……,……也如此”。 (15) 解析:本题考查代词。句意:这一秒你在哪里,但是____你就被删除了。the next(second)意为“下一秒”。