共用题干 When Teen Dating Turns Abusive and

Loveyou2019-12-17  3

问题 共用题干When Teen Dating Turns Abusive and Violent

When teens start dating,parents' worries grow.__________(46)Nearly 10 percent of teenagers experience some form of violence in their dating relationships,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Dating violence encompasses physical,emotional and sexual abuse,the CDC notes.___________ (47)A study in the January issue of Pediatrics found that teens who had experienced dating violence were more likely to binge drink,smoke,have depression symptoms,think about suicide and experience additional intimate partner violence than were their peers who'd never experienced dating violence.
Often,though,abusive behavior starts with teasing and name-calling,which teens may see as a normal part of a relationship but which,according to the CDC,can lead to more serious violence, such as hitting or rape.
Nancy Diaz,a domestic violence consultant who has provided services to Outreach in New York City,said that when she explains verbal abuse to teens,many think it's just normal conversation. __________(48) "It's the cycle of violence,"Diaz said.
If a teen girl slaps a teen boy,the boy often says it's not abuse because it doesn't hurt,but Diaz explains that it is._________(49)"That's rape,but the girls don't think of it as rape,"Diaz said.
For parents,protection starts with knowing the person their teen is dating."Invite them in,or offer to drive them somewhere," Diaz said."Just make sure you know who they're connecting with."__________(50)"Look for sores,bruises or scratches,and check out what they're doing on social media like Facebook."

选项 ________(46)A:Often their own mothers,who may be young,have spoken to them in just that way.B:Beyond the immediate effects of violent relationships,longer-range impacts loom.C:She said that some gangs initiate girls by forcing them to have sex with all of the gang's members.D:Many violent relationships bring much physical harm.E:Discovering that abuse is occurring can be hard,but"watch out for social isolation,with-drawal from friends and activities,"Diaz said.F: Experts say that dating violence should be on their list of concerns.


解析本题考查的是对所读材料的大意和主旨的掌握。前一句说:青少年开始约会时,家长的担忧就开始增加了。后一句就提到了约会暴力出现的频率。因此这句就该体现出约会暴力是家长担忧的事情。 本题考查的是对所读材料的大意和主旨的掌握。前一句说:约会暴力包括身体上的、精神上的伤害和性虐待。后一句就指出了一些负面影响。B选项最能承上启下。这里D是干扰项,D或许可以和前一句街接上,但和后一句完全无关,因此不是正确答案。 本题考查的是对所读材料的大意和主旨的掌握。前一句说:当她向青少年解释口头虐待时,很多青少年不以为然,觉得那不过是正常交谈。后一句说:这是暴力的恶性循环。这一句写到孩子母亲类似的行为,既承接上一句,也和下一句体现了恶性循环。 本题考查的是对所读材料的大意和主旨的掌握。前一句说:这种行为算虐待。后一句说:这就是强暴。所以这一句应该是另外举一个关于身体虐待的例子,并且和强暴相关。C选项最符合。 本题考查的是对所读材料的大意和主旨的掌握。前一句说:确保你知道孩子联系的对象是怎样的人。后一句说:看看是否有发炎、淤青或擦伤,查看他们在像Face-book(脸谱)这样的社交媒体上在做些什么。这一句也应该讲家长还需关注哪些方面。E选项是最佳的。